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Why is it called Love birds?

Why is it called Love birds?


(Why is it called Love birds?) Scientists believe that most likely parrots spread across the planet from the Australian mainland. They are found wherever the climatic conditions of the region allow them to live. But in addition to wild nature, these bright birds have found their place in our homes. Many species of parrots are bred as ornamental pets. But among them there are their favorites. People are especially fond of lovebird parrots, which, in addition to their bright colors, are smart and do not require much maintenance.

Why is it called Love birds?
Credit: Pexels

Lovebirds: why they call it that

There is a legend among people that lovebirds choose a mate once and for the rest of their lives, and if one of them dies, the other will die from separation. In this regard, they were named lovebirds. These parrots are truly inseparable, loyal to each other, but in reality they will not be sad if they get lost. When one bird from a pair dies, the other after a while finds a new company “for life.” And if you consider that in the wild they live in packs, then this is very easy to do.


Lovebird parrots are small birds with very impressive colors.

Lovebirds have a large head, a strong body, a curved beak, a rounded tail up to 5 cm in length, and strong paws. Due to their strong paws, these parrots run quickly and deftly climb tree branches. Their main advantage is the bright color of the head and body, which contains different colors – green, yellow, pink, blue, red, and sometimes others.

Types of parrots

At the moment, scientists have described nine different variations of lovebirds. But there is a high probability that several more species of these parrots may live in the wild jungle.

Collared (Green-winged)West and Central Africa.
Liliana’s Lovebirds (Strawberryhead)Zambia, Mozambique, Southern Tanzania.
MaskedTerritory of Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Madagascar island.
Red-faced (Orange-headed)Territories of the countries of Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Sao Tome.
Rosy-cheekedAngola, South Africa and Namibia.
Grey-headedMadagascar, Seychelles, Zanzibar, Mauritius.
FisherNorthern Tanzania.
BlackwingEritrea, Ethiopia.
Black-cheekedNorthern Tanzania.

Read more about the types of lovebirds here

Natural habitats

For their habitat, parrots choose humid tropics or subtropical areas, as well as areas near lakes or farmland, where there is something to eat. They spend the night in nests in trees or in tree hollows. The females are in charge of arranging the “housing”. The largest populations of lovebirds live in Australia, South America, and Africa.

Enemies in nature

The enemies of lovebirds are the following animals:

  • Mediterranean falcon, palm vulture and other large birds of prey;
  • monkey;
  • snakes.
Why is it called Love birds?
Credit: Pinterest

Parrots communicate with predators using mobbing , a form of psychological pressure. First they stand and scream loudly, then (if the predator does not leave) they flap their wings loudly, then they stretch out and begin to attack, accompanied by squeaks. Lovebirds attack together – as a whole flock. It is worth noting that birds that are cute at first glance show aggression not only towards their enemies, but also towards other small birds, cats, dogs, and small mammals. Females are believed to be more aggressive than males.


On average, when kept at home and in comfortable living conditions, lovebirds live up to 20 years. In the wild, their life cycle is noticeably reduced as they are often prey to predators.

Lifestyle and behavior

In the wild, love birds create flocks and live collectively. They fly beautifully, and the sounds of their wings can be heard several hundred meters away. Birds build their nests on tree branches or in hollows. For construction they use bark, grass, leaves. Egg laying begins after the nest is established.

Decorative love birds are a bright home decoration and a wonderful friend rolled into one. They have a friendly nature and are loyal to humans. Incredibly beautiful birds love to spend time with their owners, exploring their bodies and things. When walking birds, you need to carefully close the windows and make sure that the parrots do not come across small objects (buttons, nuts, jewelry) – they can swallow them. Birds love paper – females weave strips of paper into their tails to later build a nest out of them.

Lovebirds love to scream, and this often causes inconvenience to their neighbors. Especially a lot of screaming can be recorded during the mating season of birds. But it is during mating games that it is very interesting to watch them – they love to hug each other with their wings and bite each other with their beaks, imitating a kiss.

Can a lovebird live alone?

In the wild, parrots live in pairs, so when keeping them decorative, it is better to try to recreate natural conditions for the birds as much as possible so that they do not get bored and have the opportunity to communicate. But solitary keeping is also allowed, which does not bring any discomfort to the bird, especially if it was acquired at a young age, and it simply does not know that it can be different.

Many breeders mistakenly believe that the second parrot dies of melancholy after the death of the first, without understanding the reason. Despite the touching story of love between birds until death, it is wrong to call them completely inseparable.

This usually happens when birds are infected with an infectious disease, from which first the weak and then the stronger chick dies. Therefore, after the death of one parrot, the second one needs to be shown immediately to the veterinarian, and then distracted with treats, new toys, if there are no plans to acquire a pair, or after a while offer a new “acquaintance” that the “widowed” chick will certainly like.

Keeping a love bird at home

Regardless of what choice the breeder makes – in favor of keeping parrots alone or in pairs – the main criterion for their comfortable life is good living conditions. People should remember that parrots need to be taken care of like any other pet and given enough attention.

Features of care and breeding

Decorative keeping of lovebirds requires a lot of space. Therefore, when choosing a cage or enclosure, consider the following tips:

  • the dwelling must have parameters of at least 1 x 0.5 x 0.5 m for couples and 0.8 x 0.3 x 0.4 for “bachelors”; height from the floor – 1.65 cm;
  • in their “home” parrots must be able to fly;
  • it is preferable to choose a cage with a nickel coating, as well as additional elements made of organic glass and plastic, and the distance between the bars of the cage should not exceed 1.5 cm;
  • there should be poles that imitate tree branches;
  • The best location for the cell is a well-lit place without access to direct sunlight and without drafts.

An important nuance is maintaining cleanliness in the cage. Bedding must be removed every day, and equipment must be washed and disinfected every week. The ideal bedding option is sawdust, wood filler or clean river sand. It is convenient to use rectangular models, with a flat lid and a retractable bottom, making it easy to maintain the cage. It is imperative to provide the birds with several feeders, drinkers and a bathtub. To have fun, birds need to pick up toys (rings, ladders, ropes, swings), but they should not overload the space of the cage.

If you want to get offspring from lovebirds, they need to be prepared for such an important process. For breeding, the pair is prepared for nesting two weeks in advance. Their daylight hours are increased with the help of artificial lighting, and their diet is enriched with proteins (eggs, cottage cheese, sprouted grains). After the preparatory period, they are given a vertical nest box, where a nest of branches is built. The presence of a nest provokes the instinct in the bird to begin laying.

Why is it called Love birds?

Typically, one clutch contains from 3 to 9 eggs, and after 21 days the eggs hatch into chicks. Lovebirds of different species can mate with each other. But such mating usually gives a sterile outcome – the eggs are not fertilized. Therefore, for the purpose of reproduction, you need to purchase parrots of the same species.

What do parrots eat?

Parrots are fed once a day, filling the feeders with a daily dose of food. There should always be water in the drinking bowls – it is changed daily.

The optimal diet is ready-made food mixtures for lovebirds, which are sold in pet stores. But they can be replaced or supplemented with the following list of feeds:

  • greens in unlimited quantities (dandelions, carrot tops, clover, alfalfa, sprouted oats or millet);
  • seedless fruits (except mango, papaya, persimmon, avocado);
  • berries;
  • vegetables;
  • branches of fruit trees;
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • grain.

Separately, in agreement with the veterinarian, artificial vitamins and minerals are introduced into the diet.

It is prohibited to feed lovebirds the following foods:

  • mixtures for other birds;
  • mixtures for budgies;
  • meat;
  • hard cheese;
  • fish;
  • leftover food from people’s tables.

Buying tips Love Birds

Buying lovebirds is a very delicate procedure. The main thing in the choice is the health of the bird. But the true state of health of birds can only be determined by a person with experience. Therefore, it is necessary to buy parrots either in specialized nurseries, where they guarantee the quality of the purchase, or to involve an ornithologist in the purchasing process.

When examining a chick, pay attention to the following habits and characteristics:

  • a healthy parrot is active, cheerful, and has a clear voice;
  • the bird’s plumage is even, shiny, the feathers fit snugly to the body and do not stick together; in this case, the plumage should be even and shiny.

In addition, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • a layer of subcutaneous fat is noticeable on the belly;
  • the beak is strong, curved;
  • the paws are uniform in color, there are no growths, spots, or peelings on them;
  • the eyes are bright and sparkling.

Lovebird parrot cost

For home breeding, Fischer’s lovebirds are mainly purchased, less often – masked and red-cheeked species. Their market price ranges from 20 to 30 dollars per individual. The cost is affected by the age and species of parrots.

The main problem that lovebird breeders face is the lack of time for care and attention. Without adequate care and communication, birds become withdrawn, do not sing, and become more susceptible to disease. Therefore, before buying parrots, you should carefully weigh your strengths and capabilities. After all, birds are living beings that need us. If you give lovebirds enough time, they will become devoted lifelong friends who will delight the eye and lift the spirits of their owners.

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