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Category: Parrot Guide

Young Bald Eagle

Young Bald Eagle

Young Bald Eagles: A Journey from Fledglings to Majestic Birds Young Bald Eagle The bald eagle is one of the most notable images of America, known for its solidarity, magnificence, and superb presence. While the vast majority are know about the grown-up bald eagle, with its striking white head and tail, less have some familiarity...
Parrot Guide
Bird Toys

Bird Toys

Bird Toys: A Fun and Essential Way to Keep Your Feathered Friend Happy Bird Toys are intelligent, curious creatures that need mental and genuine fervor to stay happy and strong. One of the most exceptional approaches to giving this feeling is by offering them bird toys. These toys draw in birds as well as advance...
Parrot Guide
Window Bird Feeder

Window Bird Feeder

Guide to Window Bird Feeders: Bring Nature Closer to Home Window Bird Feeder To conquer the outside, a window bird feeder might be the best solution for you. These feeders join directly to your window, allowing you to see your cushioned friends extremely close from the comfort of your home. In this article, we’ll examine...
Parrot Guide
Colorful Parrots

Colorful Parrots

Colorful Parrots: Nature’s Most Vibrant Birds Colorful Parrots are presumably the most splendid and eye-getting birds in the world. Known for their splendid plumes and vivacious characters, these birds give a sensation of delight and energy any spot they are found. With numerous species spread across the globe, parrots show up in different assortments, from...
Parrot Guide
Bird House

Bird House

Bird House: A Simple Guide to Creating a Cozy Home for Birds Bird House To help nearby natural life, adding a perching space to your yard is smart. A bird enclosure gives a protected, agreeable spot for birds to settle, particularly during the rearing season. In this article, we’ll investigate what perching spaces are, the...
Parrot Guide
Type Of Lovebird?

What Is The Friendliest Type Of Lovebird?

Info These type of lovebird are small parrots native to Africa and Madagascar. In the wild, they have mostly green plumage and a massive red beak. But this is only one type. The most common species to keep in captivity are rosy lovebirds, Fischer’s lovebirds and masked lovebirds. Other species are difficult to domesticate. And...
Parrot Guide
Distinguish A Canary 

How To Distinguish A Canary 

Info For home keeping, breeders prefer to choose male Distinguish A Canary. They are more melodious and more active. But in real life it is almost impossible to distinguish a canary from a canary, since their sexual dimorphism is very poorly developed. Only by knowing certain characteristics of birds, you can distinguish them by gender,...
Parrot Guide
Alexandrine Parrot

Caring For The Alexandrine Parrot

Info The Alexandrine parrot is a species of bird that is distinguished by its incredible appearance, high intelligence, and ability to speak. Birds gained popularity among breeders back in the days of Alexander the Great, after whom they were named. In one of his campaigns in Central Asia, the famous commander brought these bright birds...
Parrot Guide
Kea parrot

Predatory Kea Parrot

Info It is difficult to imagine a parrot that fearlessly attacks another animal. But such an amazing species exists in nature. We are talking about Kea parrots, formerly vegetarians and now birds of prey. These large parrots are the only species that has chosen the harsh climate of the highlands as its habitat. Predatory, intelligent,...
Parrot Guide
Yellow Crested Cockatoo Parrot

How many yellow crested cockatoos are left in the world?

Info The yellow crested cockatoo parrot is an interesting member of its family. There are two subspecies: large and small. Due to its beautiful appearance, sociability, and high intellectual abilities, this bird is most often chosen as a pet. It is worth noting that not all species of cockatoos can thrive in captivity. But the...
Parrot Guide
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