Soldier’s Macaw Parrot Facts & Diet Information


The Soldier’s Macaw does not stand out for its colorful plumage, but compared to other macaws, it is distinguished by its sociability, intelligence, and friendliness, despite its warlike name. There are two types of Soldier’s Macaws: greater and lesser. Outwardly, they are very similar to each other, and the only difference is their size. It is rare to see these birds as pets, but their happy owners say that they are the friendliest living creatures.

Name and classificationName Soldier’s

Macaw Genus Ara

Family Psittacidae

Order Psittaciformes

Lesser Soldier’s Macaw

Ara militaris


Ara militaris bolivianus

Ara militaris mexicanus

Ara militaris militaris

Great Soldier’s Macaw

(Nicaraguan or Great Green)

Ara ambigua


Ara ambiguus ambiguus

Ara ambiguus guayaquilensis

Ornithologists were also able to breed hybrids with red and green-winged macaws.

Body lengthSmall: 63-70 cm

Large: 80-95 cm

Tail lengthSmall: 32-40 cm

Large: 40–50 cm

Adult weightSmall: 800-900 g

Large: 1.3 – 5 kg

ColorGreenish-olive, tail: blue-gray interspersed with red feathers, forehead: feathered with bright red feathers. The Greater Macaw is paler in color intensity, with yellow feathers under the wings.
BeakBlack, curved down, powerful.
EyesYellowish-brown, eye ring unfeathered.
PawsDark gray.
Peculiarities• A loud voice that can be heard several kilometers away.

• When flying, they make sounds that resemble the croaking of a crow or the growl of a dog.

• When a bird gets scared, its cheeks turn red.

Sex differencesThere are no differences between females and males. Gender can only be determined using a DNA test.
Soldier's Macaw

Credit: Pexels


Soldier’s Macaws are widespread throughout Latin and Central America. Habitat depends on the species.

  • Lesser Soldier’s Macaw

Ara militaris militaris: Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Peru.

Ara militaris mexicanus: Mexico, Guatemala.

Ara militaris bolivianus: Bolivia, Argentina.

  • Great green macaw

Ara ambiguus ambiguus: Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rico, Panama, Colombia.

Ara ambiguus guayaquilensis, Ecuador, Colombia.

Lifestyle in the wild, reproduction

Birds settle in humid tropical valleys or on high mountain plateaus, but not higher than 700 m relative to sea level. Birds spend most of their time searching for food. On hot days, macaws prefer to relax among the crowns of tall trees in the company of their pair or a small family group (up to 30 individuals maximum).

The mating season lasts from January to March, and only in the Mexican subspecies does it fall in June. Birds are monogamous and form pairs for life. But if they lose their partner, they can find a soul mate a second time. Nests are built at a height of 25–35 meters from the ground in the hollows of dead trees. The clutch contains 1 to 3 eggs. After 28 days of incubation, naked and blind chicks hatch. Their body is completely covered with feathers, closer to 3 months of age. Young chicks remain in the care of their parents for up to about a year, although by the age of 6 months they are completely independent and capable of looking for food for themselves.

Conservation status

The Greater and Lesser Soldier’s Macaws are on the verge of extinction. The large species is included in the first CITES Appendix, and the small species, in addition to being registered in the CITES list, is listed in the International Red Book. The main reasons are the capture of birds for sale and the destruction of the macaw’s natural habitat (jungle, tropical forest). Scientists suggest that no more than 20 thousand individuals remain in the wild, and this figure combines all five subspecies.

Diseases and life expectancy

It is impossible to say exactly how long green macaws live in the wild. There are suggestions that they can live up to 100 years. But there is not a single official confirmation of such data. Predators and poachers significantly shorten the lives of wild animals by cutting down their natural habitat.

Given that domesticated birds rarely reach 40 years of age and only one recorded case of a bird reaching 49 years of age, ornithologists suggest that the average lifespan of soldier macaws is between 35 and 45 years. Poor nutrition and illness shorten the life of pets

Soldier's Macaw

Credit: Go Overseas

Among the diseases to which feathered pupils are susceptible are:

• Self-plucking;• Obesity;

• Gout;

• Dysbacteriosis.

• Feather mite;• Salmonellosis;

• Psittacosis;

• Aspergillosis;

• Tuberculosis;

• Helminthiasis.

Keeping at home

The Greater and Lesser Soldier\’s Macaws are fairly large species of parrots that require certain conditions of maintenance and require a lot of time from humans for care and communication.

Rules for caring for the Soldier’s Macaw

To ensure that the bird is always healthy and comfortable in captivity, ornithologists advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Clean the bird cage daily (wash feeders with drinkers, clean the bottom of manure); clean perches with toys as they become dirty; and if damaged, replace them with new ones.
  • Every week, disinfect the bird\’s home and the equipment in it.
  • Ensuring a proper diet.
  • Carrying out water procedures, such as bathing twice a week or spraying with water from a spray bottle,.
  • Walk around the house twice a day.
  • The optimal temperature is 18–25 °C, and the recommended humidity is 60–68%.

Intelligence and character

The green macaw is sociable, intelligent, quick-witted, and loves to spend time in the company of humans. The bird quickly learns to perform various tricks, loves to play with toys, and examines objects. Can imitate human speech and a variety of sounds.

To prevent the bird from being offended, it needs to be given at least 2 hours of attention per day. If you neglect communication, the feathered pet begins to pluck out its feathers, screams a lot, and becomes aggressive.

Selection and arrangement of the cage

Since Soldier\’s Macaws are rather large birds, they need to equip a large home.

Recommended cage dimensions: 1×1.2×1.5 m (the larger the better).

Recommended enclosure parameters: from 6x6x2 m.

The following requirements are put forward for housing:

  • Great strength (made of horizontal steel rods at intervals of up to 2.5 cm).
  • Availability of equipment (feeders for grain and vegetables, drinking bowls, perches, toys, bathing containers, mineral stones for grinding off the beak).
  • Maintaining cleanliness.


The quality of life of a bird, its health, and its development depend on its diet. Food should be varied and fully cover the bird’s needs for the necessary substances.

The recommended feeding schedule is 1-2 times a day.

The optimal ratio of products is 50% grain and seeds; 40% fruits, vegetables, and herbs; and 10% nuts.

The diet includes:

  • Grains (wheat, oats, millet, corn).
  • Seeds (sunflower, safflower, hemp, pumpkin, canary seed).
  • Nuts (walnuts, brazil, pine, peanuts).
  • Fruits (orange, banana, apples, pears).
  • Berries (rowan, rosehip, grapes).
  • Vegetables and berries (tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, broccoli, carrots).
  • Herbs (chickweed, dandelion, plantain, chard, celery).
  • Mineral supplements (chalk, bone meal, eggshells).
Soldier's Macaw

Credit: Medium

Prohibited foods for macaws:

sugar, chocolate, candy;

coffee, alcohol,

parsley, avocado;

dairy products;

fried food, salt.

Breeding Soldier’s Macaw in captivity

In captivity, Soldier\’s Macaws almost do not reproduce. But you can always try if you want. To do this, during the mating season, you need to move the couple into a large enclosure (2×1.5×3 m), place a nesting box in it (0.55×0.7x1m), feed it well, and disturb the birds as little as possible. If everything is done correctly, up to three cubs can be born in a month. Their feathered parents feed them on their own. After 3 months of age, the chicks begin to fly out of the nest but become sexually mature only at 4 years of age.

Purchase rules and price

The Soldier’s Parrot is not a cheap pleasure. Since these birds are considered endangered species, their cost is very high. The price for the Small Soldier’s Macaw starts at 2 thousand dollars, and the Large Green Parrot is offered to buy for at least 3 thousand dollars. In addition, their maintenance will also require significant financial investments in the arrangement of the cage and food.

If you have decided to make such an expensive purchase and are ready to provide your bird with a comfortable life, be sure to pay attention to the following points before purchasing:

  • Availability of accompanying documents; veterinary passport.
  • Appearance of the pet (should be active, with shiny plumage, and not show signs of illness).

Despite the fact that Soldier’s Macaws are not as bright as their relatives, they are still impressive with their interesting appearance. For their original appearance and good-natured character, many breeders choose green macaws to keep in their homes. But, alas, the number of these birds in the wild is catastrophically declining. To prevent the world from losing these graceful birds forever, people must do everything possible to preserve their population.

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