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Rosella Parrot Maintenance And Care

Rosella Parrot Maintenance And Care


The Rosella parrot is a good-natured species of bird with beautiful plumage and a melodious voice. Breeding such birds at home is easy and simple. The reward for caring breeders will be the acquisition of a devoted feathered “friend,” communication with whom will be a great pleasure. It is worth noting that even a beginner can cope with these amazing birds.

Rosella Parrot
Credit: Pinterest

Appearance and features

Name and classificationRosella Parrot genus Platycercus

Family Psittaculidae

Order Psittaciformes

Body length25 to 35 cm
Adult weight50-60 g
ColorA distinctive feature of Roselle is the presence of feathers that look like scales (colored circles with a dark center).

Plumage depends on the species. The main color combines green, yellow, red, and blue.

Beaka fleshy color with a pinkish tint.
TailWide and stepped (4 feathers in the center are the same, and the rest gradually become smaller on the sides).
CheeksIt depends on the type—they are white, yellow,,, or blue.
EyesDark with a light rim.
WingsReach 12 cm

Species of Rosella parrots


Platycercus adscitus

Green (yellow-bellied)

Platycercus caledonicus

Red rosella Parrot (penantha, crimson)

Platycercus elegans

Common Rosella (eastern, variegated)

Platycercus eximius


Platycercus icterotis


Platycercus venustus


Platycercus adelaidae

Rosella ruby
Rosella Parrot
Credit: Flickr

How to determine gender

Unlike males, females have a paler color, cheeks with a grayish tint, and a smaller beak and head.

How to determine age

The skin of the paws of young individuals up to one and a half years old is smooth, while that of older ones is hard, hard,,, and wrinkled. But this is an indirect sign.

The exact age and gender can only be determined by a DNA test.

Life in the wild


The birds live in small flocks (up to 50 individuals) that inhabit forests, savannas, and groves near water bodies. Despite the fact that they fly beautifully, most of the time they prefer to move on the ground; they run on the grass and climb trees. They feel great in company with people, so they are often found in city parks and in gardens near residential buildings.


The basis of the diet of wild rosella Parrots are fruits, vegetables, seeds, flowers, nuts, greens, insects,,, and their larvae. Many call roselle a pest that causes irreparable damage to farm crops. But they eat very little agricultural produce. Their main target is weed seeds and insect pests, which cause more significant harm than the parrots themselves.


Parrots become fully sexually mature at one and a half years old. The breeding season is from October to January. To build a nest, birds choose deep hollows in old trees and sometimes abandoned animal burrows.

During courtship, the male performs a “dance” with whistling. If the chosen one approves of the advances, then she begins to repeat the dance swaying of her partner and accepts food from him. Subsequently, mating occurs.

Rosella Parrot
Credit: Flickr

A clutch can contain up to nine eggs, which the female incubates for 25 days. The role of the male during incubation is to feed the female and guard the nest. Both feathered parents are involved in feeding the offspring. By about a month, the parrots begin to fly out of the nest, and by the age of 2 months,,, they leave it completely. Rosella’s family relationships are not supported.

How long does the Rosella parrot live?

It is believed that with good care and proper nutrition in captivity, variegated rosellas can live up to 25 years. Although there is no official confirmation of this,,,. In the wild, birds’ lives are shortened by predators, nutritional deficiencies, and natural disasters.

Keeping at home

Rosellas are the most popular birds among pets. Small size, ease of care and feeding, ability to learn—these are all the factors that make birds deserve attention among those who want to keep them at home. The only caveat is the acclimatization period, during which you need to be more attentive to the pet so that the bird does not feel discomfort later.

Content recommendations:

  • Birds tolerate fluctuations from -10 to 20 °C well, so they can be kept in outdoor enclosures.
  • Humidity::: 45–60%.
  • Uninterrupted air ventilation.
  • No drafts or dampness.
  • Providing 12 hours of daylight.
  • Periodic walking around the apartment or setting up aviaries to ensure birds can fly.

Cage arrangement and accessories

The optimal parameters for a home are 4x2x1.5m, with a a a vertical arrangement of metal rods at a distance of 2–3 cm from each other.

For ease of cleaning, it is better to choose a retractable bottom. Sawdust, wood filler,,, or river sand are laid on the bottom.

Inventory in the cage:

  • poles;
  • feeders;
  • drinking bowls;
  • bathtub;
  • toys for small species of parrots;
  • branches of fruit trees.


Nutrition should be balanced and meet all the needs of the feathered pet.

The diet includes:

  • Grains (cracked and soaked corn, canary seed, wheat, oats, millet, and mogar).
  • Fruits, berries.
  • Vegetables, greens.
  • Tree branches and leaves.
  • Mealworms, bloodworms.
  • Boiled egg yolk, low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Chalk.
  • Vitamin and mineral supplements for small parrot species.
Rosella Parrot
Credit: Pinterest

Taming, speaking, or not

Rosella is a very friendly species of parrot that is not afraid of people and quickly comes into contact with them. For taming, it is necessary to select young birds up to a year old and gradually establish communication with them. When the bird is willing to sit in the owner’s arms, the learning process can begin.

With constant training, parrots achieve the following successes:

  • They sing songs and imitate melodies.
  • Perform simple tricks with toys.
  • They won’t talk much, but they will learn up to 10 human phrases.

It is worth noting that roselles are not afraid of the presence of cats and dogs but will not tolerate another type of bird on their territory. Parrots also do not like to interact with small children.


Breeding rosella at home is not an easy job, but it is quite doable. The main difficulty, as experienced breeders note, is forming a pair. But if you manage to select the birds and they like each other, you will definitely be able to get offspring. Sometimes birds delight the owner with offspring,,, even twice a year.

During the mating season, birds are provided with:

  • Spacious enclosure.
  • Nest house (25x25x45 cm).
  • Complete nutrition with a high protein content.
  • Calmness and a minimum of disturbance on the part of the person.
  • Strong chicks are removed from their parents at 1.5 months of age.

Diseases and prevention

Rosellas are birds with fairly strong immunity. But with improper care and improper nutrition, they also get sick.

The most common pathologies that birds are exposed to are:

  • Stress, depression;
  • Psittacosis;
  • Smallpox;
  • Salmonellosis;
  • Helminthiasis;
  • Mycotic skin lesions;
  • Mycoplasmosis;
  • Self-pinching;
  • Goiter inflammation;
  • Circovirus;
  • Food intoxication.

Parrots are also at risk of being injured when walking in a confined space in an apartment.

Buying tips and cost

The range of variegated roselles on sale is very large. When purchasing, you should focus not only on the price but also on the availability of accompanying documents provided by the seller. The best option is to purchase a feathered pet from a licensed nursery, where, in addition to a veterinary passport, you can get advice on care and be sure that the parrot is healthy and its age corresponds to the declared one.

The cost of Roselle ranges from $50 to $150 per individual. The main factors determining the price are are are:

  • Place of purchase (more expensive at the nursery, cheaper at the market).
  • Age of the parrot (birds from 6 to 18 months of age are valued).
  • Species (Rosella variegated is most often sold, and it is considered the most affordable).

Those who love birds and are willing to keep them at home should definitely pay attention to Roselle. This low-maintenance bird species is suitable for everyone. Good-natured birds will respond to love and care with minutes of pleasant pastime, melodious trills,,, and fidelity.

Also check out: Contents Of Song Parrots

Also check out: King Lori Parrot

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