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What is the most Colourful finch?

What is the most Colourful finch?


Many people know about these finches birds because they are often bred in captivity. We are talking about Amadins. These exotic finches birds fascinate with their appearance, vocal abilities, and ease of keeping. But cute birds can become devoted pets only if you give them attention and show your love.

finches birds
Credit: Live Science


The species includes 38 species:

Eastern Black-headed Munia Lonchura atricapilla

Black and white finch, Lonchura bicolor

Grey-headed munia Lonchura caniceps

Silver-billed finch Lonchura cantans

Chestnut-breasted finch Lonchura castaneothorax

Bronzewing finch Lonchura cucullata

Java munia Lonchura ferruginosa

Yellow munia, Lonchura flaviprymna

Striped-breasted Munia Lonchura forbesi

Great Chiffon Finch Lonchura fringilloides

Brown finch, Lonchura fuscans

Great munia Lonchura grandis

Pearl-headed finch, Lonchura griseicapilla

Grey-necked Munia Lonchura hunsteini

Golden-rumped finch Lonchura kelaarti

White-bellied finch Lonchura leucogastra

Javan finch, Lonchura leucogastroides

Spotted finch Lonchura leucosticta

White-headed munia Lonchura maja

Malabar finch Lonchura malabaricaBlack-headed munia Lonchura malacca

Thick-billed finch Lonchura melaena

Moluccan finch, Lonchura molucca

Lonchura montana Junge

Alpine munia Lonchura monticola

Yellow-breasted Munia Lonchura nevermanni Stresemann

Mourning Munia Lonchura nigerrima

Brown-backed Munia Lonchura nigriceps

Pale-headed munia Lonchura pallida

White-bellied Munia Lonchura pallidiventer Restall

Scaly-breasted finch Lonchura punctulata

Five-colored munia Lonchura quinticolor

Magnificent munia Lonchura spectabilis

Sharp-tailed Bronze Finch, Lonchura striata

Black munia Lonchura stygia Stresemann

Black-breasted Munia Lonchura teerinki Rand

Mourning finch, Lonchura tristissima

White-faced Munia Lonchura vana

Appearance and dimensions

WeightFrom 12 to 30 g
Body lengthFrom 0.12 to 0.15 m
TorsoSmall size, oval
ColorThe color of the plumage varies depending on the habitat.

temperate latitudes—combinations of gray, brown, and white shades;

subtropics and tropics: a combination of red, black, blue, green, purple, and yellow colors.

BeakThickened, curved, and looking almost transparent, as if made of wax (for this reason, the birds are also called “wax-beaked”).
WingsThey reach almost 8 cm in length and up to 16 cm in spread.
TailStraight, with a length from 3 to 9 cm
Species differencesThey are classified according to body size and plumage color.
PeculiaritiesSinging resembles whistling, chirping, hissing, and grumbling, while females sing worse than males.Males of some subspecies change clothes before the breeding season and become similar to females.
Differences between a male and a femaleMales have a coral hue and a larger beak, while females have an orange and smaller beak. There are also differences that vary depending on the species.
Features of young animalsBlack beak and less variegated plumage for up to a year.
finches birds
Credit: Pexels

Finches Birds Habitat and lifestyle


  • Senegal;
  • Ethiopia;
  • Somalia;
  • Mozambique;
  • Zimbabwe;
  • Botswana;
  • Sri Lanka;
  • New Guinea;
  • Thailand;
  • India;
  • Myanmar;
  • China;
  • Malaysia;
  • Sumatra;
  • Java;
  • Lombok;
  • Timor.


Finches birds, numbering up to several thousand birds, are found both in open areas and in deep forest groves. They rarely leave their nesting sites; they fly only around the area, looking for food and water. When there is a shortage of food, some subspecies can wander and even sometimes settle in parks near people or raid farmland.

In the wild, birds feed mainly on plant seeds and rarely on grain. But while feeding their offspring, birds switch to protein foods—insects and larvae. The entire flock of Amadins searches for food and flies away only to feed their offspring.


The Finches birds nest all year round. After the mature young have fledged, the couple immediately moves on to the mating season. During a short period of “courtship,” the male lures his beloved with a variety of trills. After successful “marriage,” the female lays up to 4 eggs, which she incubates for 14 days. Both parents feed the chicks.

finches birds
Credit: Pexels

Young parakeets leave the nest approximately 2 months after birth. Thus, one pair of parrots can raise up to 4 broods in a year. 3-month-old Amadins become mature and ready to reproduce.

It is worth noting the oval nests that the parrot Amadina builds. For construction, birds select leaves from trees and various plant fibers. During the construction process, they very deftly pierce the building material (literally “sew, weave”), which is why they are popularly called “weavers”. Birds also make their “homes” in small hollows or burrows, well protected from predators.


The average life cycle of the Amadin is 8 years, but, for example, the Gouldian and scaly subspecies live up to 10-12 years.

An officially registered record was when a finch bird managed to live for 15 years.

Among the factors that shorten the lives of wild birds are:

  • predators;
  • nutritional deficiency;
  • natural disasters (fires, floods);
  • human intervention (deforestation, settlement of natural habitats);
  • infectious diseases.

Common types

To date, 38 species of Amadins and more than three hundred subspecies are known. Thanks to selection, the species number is updated every year. Among the most popular are the types presented in the table below.

Scaly-breasted Can be found in China, India, and the islands of Indonesia.Against the background of brown plumage, the beautiful gray-white scaly pattern of the belly stands out, for which the birds were given their name. finches birds of this species build their spherical nests higher than all their relatives.
Sharp-tailed Distributed on the Australian continent.The birds got their name from their appearance – a sharp tail, the length of which reaches 8 cm. These parrots are very loyal to each other. Nests are built only on eucalyptus trees.
Guldova Gould’s finches live in the north of the Australian continent. Considered an endangered species!Gould’s finches were named after the wife of the scientist who discovered them, Gulda. They have the brightest colors. They often migrate in search of food and water. It is quite difficult to breed them at home since the birds are quite susceptible to temperature fluctuations. Gulda finches are bad parents. If there is a lack of nutrition, they can abandon their chicks. When breeding at home, it is recommended to also acquire a pair of Japanese finches, who will happily nurse abandoned offspring if necessary.
Chestnut-breasted Habitat: Australia, New Guinea.The birds are very similar to sparrows since their color is dominated by brown tones.
Japanese finch or Japanese pearl finch  Japanese finches were bred in Japan by crossing the Bronze Manakin with Chinese or Japanese species of finches. They are found only in captivity (mainly in Japan).Japanese finches have a gray head, throat, wings, and tail, and a brown chest, belly, back and back. Calm and unpretentious birds are easy to keep and can live together with other bird species. Japanese finches can mate with all members of their family. The offspring acquire a very original appearance, but at the same time they turn out to be sterile (not able to reproduce).
Red-throated Natural habitat: southwestern territories of the African continent.The main feature is the presence of red plumage on the neck area.
Rice They appeared in Bali and Java, but are now found on all continents.They got their name because of their great love for rice and raids on rice fields. Considered to be the largest. Their length reaches 15 cm.
White They live in Australia, Africa, and South Asia.Birds don’t sing well. And the outwardly white plumage is not completely white. You can often find feathers of different shades on the body – black, red, green, blue, yellow, purple.
Zebra Zebra Finches are distributed throughout Australia.Males, which are larger in size, have orange cheeks and a beak with a red tint, while females have gray cheeks and an orange beak. Males like to sing a lot, and “ladies” like to listen and remain silent. This species can go up to 2 weeks without fresh water, and if absolutely necessary, drink sea water. Females lay eggs only during the rainy season. From the beginning of the 19th century, zebra finches began to be bred at home, where white zebra finches with black eyes were bred.

Contents in the apartment

Most Amadins do well at home. But in order for the birds to feel comfortable and delight their household with their singing, it is necessary to understand all the nuances of their life and prepare well. Experienced breeders do not recommend keeping several different species in one cage at once, so as not to provoke conflicts between birds.

What to feed

Not only the bird’s appearance but also how long it will live depends on nutrition.

Feeding schedule:

  • 1-2 times a day.
  • Wet food: 1-2 times for 7–10 days.
  • Green food: 3–4 times a week.
  • Cereals and seeds: daily.
finches birds
Credit: Pexels

Food dosage: 1-2 tsp. feed mixtures per day.

Grain, grain mixtures, and microgreens, of which:









Rice (boiled)










Shepherd’s Purse





Peking or Brussels sprouts



Bell pepper











Branches of fruit trees, as well as willow, linden, and birch



















Protein Supplements:


Cottage cheese (low fat)


Insects with larvae


Fish fat

Such supplements are especially important during the breeding season.

Mineral impurities:


Sea sand


Egg shells


Bone flour

Cuttlefish shell (sepia)

Birds should be given filtered boiled water to drink. But fresh fruits and berries with the addition of lemon juice, compotes, decoctions, and infusions are also allowed.


– dill;

– onion;

– avocado;

– persimmon;

– mango;

– papaya;

– parsley.

Which cell to choose

Housing requirements for Amadins:

  • Parameters – from 0.3×0.2×0.25 cm (per bird) rectangular in shape.
  • The distances between the rods are 1-1.5 cm.
  • Material for the cage – acrylic, plastic, polycarbonate, wood.
  • The tray is retractable.
  • Equipment – two poles, a drinking bowl, three feeders, a bathtub, a nest (if desired, breed).
  • The presence of a strong lock on the door.
  • Permitted temperature range – +18-+24 0 C, humidity – 50-80%.

Light mode

Amadins are quite light-loving birds. Therefore, the cage with pets is placed in the brightest place without drafts, away from noise. But at the same time, you should make sure that the finches birds are not exposed to direct sunlight for more than 3 hours. In winter, birds are extended daylight hours to 12 hours with the help of additional artificial light sources.

Hygiene and bathing

Finches are not demanding pets, but they are quite clean and do not tolerate dirt. Therefore, the cage and equipment need to be cleaned regularly, as well as the bedding must be constantly changed (paper bedding is changed daily, while others – sand, gravel – every 3 days). Once a month, the cage and equipment are disinfected using special disinfectants or boiling water.

An important moment for birds is bathing. It helps them clean their feathers and restores normal skin turgor. A porcelain or plastic bath can be placed on the bottom or hung from the walls of the cage. For finches birds, a bath a little larger than themselves with a depth of 1 cm will be enough. Water for bathing is suitable at room temperature, but it must be filtered and settled. After bathing, the water is drained and the bath is washed.

Care during shedding

Molting is a physiological process for all finches birds. She does not require special care, but will require some assistance from the breeders. Domestic Finches Birds need to add vitamins to their diet – you can purchase special veterinary supplements or diversify the menu with fruits, berries, and vegetables. In addition to food, the birds are recommended to rest – a minimum of contacts (it is even better to place the pets in separate cages). When the birds begin to sing loudly, we can assume that the molt is complete.

How long do they live?

If all the recommendations of ornithologists are followed, Amadins in captivity can live up to 12 years. In captivity, the lives of birds are negatively affected by:

  • Poor care and nutrition.
  • Failure to comply with sanitary and hygienic conditions of detention.
  • Infections.

Possible diseases and their prevention

Finches are susceptible to viral, parasitic, fungal and bacterial pathologies. Among them, there are those that affect all birds (ornithosis, coccytosis, hypovitaminosis), and there are those that only affect weavers (tracheal mite, alopecia).

Main source of infection:

  • new individuals that have not passed quarantine;
  • low quality food;
  • parasites;
  • poor living conditions.

When birds become ill, certain symptoms appear:

  • become passive, hide their head under their wings;
  • roll their eyes;
  • They drink a lot, eat a lot, or vice versa – refuse to drink with food.

Breeding at home

The optimal reproductive age of Amadins is from 1 to 5 years. To get offspring from birds at home, they need to recreate the necessary conditions:

  • Form a pair of healthy birds without defects.
  • Enrich your pets’ diet with proteins (insects, worms, larvae).
  • Maintain a temperature of 18 to 20°C with a humidity of about 80%.
  • Control the duration of daylight hours.
  • Set up a nesting house made of wood (dimensions about 0.12×0.12×0.12 cm) or provide soft grass for building a nest.
  • Provide peace for birds during the breeding season.

Incubation and feeding falls entirely on the shoulders of the feathered parents. Strong chicks aged 1.5-2 months can be removed from the nest. But these birds are gregarious by nature, so they will live in large families on a permanent basis.

Amadin’s abilities

Poultry farmers call Amadins the most beautiful, cheerful and friendly pets. finches birds are highly intelligent, but, alas, they cannot be trained and do not learn human speech.

But it is possible to tame a parrot if you take into account some recommendations:

  • Choose young birds for training.
  • Train each bird separately.
  • Trim the wings to prevent the pet from running away.
  • Gradually increase the time spent holding the bird in your hands.
  • Encourage your bird with treats.

After taming the bird, at the sight of its owner, it will itself ask for freedom with the help of loud cries.

How Amadins sing

The singing of weaver birds is one of their main advantages, although some breeders see a negative side to loud trills. Vocal abilities are predominantly males. With the help of singing, parrots communicate with each other, report danger, ask for food, or simply show a good mood. But each species of Amadin has its own type of singing:

  • Gouldians make a monotonous sound “ sit ” or “ tssitt ”;
  • the zebra hums in quiet trills, reminiscent of the voice of a small child;
  • scaly ones produce something similar to “kity and “ chip ”;
  • black-headed munia cannot be heard by humans (singing can only be distinguished by the opening beak);
  • the Japanese hum “ tilili ” in parallel with a special creak;
  • red-throated ones chirp like sparrows;
  • Moluccans rarely, but emit a peculiar short “tr-rrrr”;
  • the rice ones ring like bells or babbling brooks;
  • chestnut-breasted birds sing short but very melodic trills;
  • from pearlheads you can hear “ pit”, “cyt”, “krr ”;
  • Malabar whistle or chirp.
finches birds
Credit: The Scientist Magazine

How to choose a bird and cost

Before purchasing, you should clearly decide on the type of Amadin:

  • for inexperienced breeders, Japanese and zebra breeds are suitable;
  • If you have experience, all other types of birds are suitable.

It is better to choose young chicks. The optimal time to purchase is autumn. Over the winter, the young parrots will grow up and, if the breeders wish, they will be ready for mating in the spring.

It is better to choose chicks raised in specialized bird nurseries, where health and pedigree are guaranteed.

A healthy Amadina has the following characteristics:

  • Active, fast, moderately well-fed.
  • The plumage is shiny, close to the body.
  • The eyes are bright and shiny.
  • The skin is light, slightly pinkish.
  • There is no wheezing in the voice.
  • There is no discharge from the eyes and nostrils, no growths near the cloaca.

In terms of cost, Amadins are considered the most affordable for purchase, because their price starts from $3 per individual. Due to their rarity, rare Gould parrots are considered one of the most expensive (almost $30 apiece).

If you want to have a feathered pet at home, then finches birds are the best choice. Unpretentious chicks are suitable for breeding both for experienced breeders and for those who have decided to breed birds at home for the first time. But, despite their accessibility and ease of care, beautiful parrots are not toys, and before purchasing, you should clearly decide whether you will be able to pay attention to your feathered pet.

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