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Noble Eclectus Parrot

Noble Eclectus Parrot


The Eclectus parrot is an unusual bird with distinct colors and differences. Thanks to their unique appearance, the birds are loved by breeders, who breed them quite successfully. But keeping birds has a number of features that you should familiarize yourself with in advance.

Eclectus Parrot

Appearance and size of the bird

NameEclectus parrot

Eclectus roratus

Length0.31-0.35 m
Adult weight0.1-0.12 g
ColorRed or green

(depending on gender).

BeakMales have yellow-orange upperparts and black underparts, while females are completely black.
EyesIn adults, from yellow to orange, and in young animals up to a year – from dark brown to black.
TailShort, in males it merges with the main color tone, and in females it stands out in orange-yellow color.
dimorphismPronounced gender differences.

The male’s main plumage color is bright green with a yellow tint. There are red and blue blotches on the chest and under the wings.

The female has bright red plumage with a blue tint on her belly and back.

Habitat of noble parrots

Eclectus Parrot are considered native to the Solomon and Moluccas Islands, Sumba Islands, New Guinea and the Australian mainland.

Eclectus Parrot
Credit: Facebook

Varieties of Eclectus Parrot 

Scientists managed to find out that Eclectus Parrot is not the only species of its genus Eclectus. On the islands of Vanuatu, Fiji and Tonga, the remains of Eclectus infectus, which was distinguished by its smaller wings, were discovered. Birds disappeared more than 3 thousand years ago – after people settled in their territory. Later, the existing species of Eclectus (Eclectus roratus) was divided into 9 subspecies, depending on external features and habitat. Although for a long time this classification was not considered final, because scientists were unable to penetrate into some regions where parrots live (difficult geographical location, political nuances).

1.E.r. roratusThey began to mate with the dominant Vosmaeri parrots, so every year their color becomes more and more similar to the dominant.Buru, Seram, Ambone, Saparua, Haruku, Maluku.
2.E.r. VosmaeriLarge, with a more yellow tint to the plumage.Maluku
3.E.r. AruensisThe rich yellow color at the tip of the male’s tail is often mixed with pink, orange or bright red.Aru
4.E.r. BiakiHas minor differences in color and behavior.Biak
5.E.r. CorneliaMales are large, with pale green feathers, while females are completely red.Sumba
6.E.r. RiedeliMales have green-blue cheeks and a yellow border on the tail, while females have inclusions of blue with a yellow border along the edge of the tail against the background of red feathers.Tanimbar
7.E.r. PolychlorosRich green color at the base of the color.New Guinea, Kay, West Papua, D’Entrecasteaux, Louisiade, Gorham.
8.E.r. MacgillivrayiThey resemble Polychloros, but are larger.Cape York
9.E.r. SolomonensisSimilar to Polychloros, but smaller in size; with a small beak.Solomon Islands

In 2019, they decided to divide eclectus parrots into four main subspecies:

  • Moluccan (E. Roratus, including Vosmaeri);
  • Papuan (E. Polychloros, including Aruensis, Biaki, Acgillivrayi and Solomonensis);
  • Sumba (Eclectus cornelia);
  • Tanimbar (Eclectus riedeli).

Ornithologists doubt this section because of Aruensis and Biaki, and the question of their affiliation remains open.

Subspecies E. r. vosmaeri is the most popular among breeders. Recently he was also joined by E. r. Macgillivrayi, which also began to win the hearts of lovers of exotic fauna.

Eclectus parrot
Credit: Wikipedia

How do they live in the wild?

Favorite habitats are the outskirts of tropical forests. The diet is plant-based (fruits, fruits, berries, unripe nuts, flowers, leaves, seeds). It is worth noting that Eclectus have a very long digestive tract, so the birds are excellent at digesting food high in fiber.

They choose hollows of tall trees for nesting, where they usually live for years. Their family relationships are interesting. When a female incubates eggs, she is fed by several males at the same time. Moreover, each male also has his own “harem” – 3-4 females, which he also takes care of. Females constantly “compete” with each other for the male’s affection. This unique reproductive strategy may explain the pronounced dimorphism of Eclectus.

One clutch contains up to 2 eggs, the incubation of which lasts 1 month. Both the mother and all the feathered “fathers” are involved in feeding the cubs. The young begin to leave the nest at 3 months, but always remain to live next to their parents. Parrots become sexually mature at 3 years of age.

Lifespan of an Eclectus parrot

Since the birds were not kept in captivity until 1980, it is impossible to talk about the exact lifespan. Their average life cycle is believed to last 30 years. Although, according to ornithologists, in a favorable environment, birds can live up to 50 years.

Features of keeping at home

Eclectus parrots are popular birds among breeders. Although birds are quite easy to breed, sometimes it can be very difficult to choose the right diet for them.

Arrangement of the cage

The required dimensions of the cage are from 1×0.60x1m. The bird’s home is filled with poles ranging from 2.5 to 4 cm in diameter, climbing ropes, chains, bells, swings and wooden chew toys. There must be feeders and drinkers in the cage, which should be cleaned and washed daily. The tray is also washed every day. Toys and other equipment are cleaned as needed. The cage is disinfected once a year.


In terms of nutrition, Eclectus are called gourmets. Their home diet should include:

  • ready-made mixtures of seeds and grain;
  • vegetables (green peas, cucumbers, corn, carrots, bell peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, zucchini);
  • greens (beet tops, lettuce, dandelions, spinach);
  • fruits (apples, peaches, apricots, bananas, pears, plums, raisins).


Birds are bathed 2-3 times a week in water at room temperature using a shower head or a fine spray. For bath procedures, it is also allowed to equip a small container-bath at the bottom of the cage.

As they grow, the wings, beak and claws are trimmed.

Education and training

Eclectus parrots are considered great phlegmatic people. They are overly calm and quiet. But at the same time they are very friendly and smart. Their hobby is spending time in the company of a person, communicating. Training birds is not difficult. Males are believed to have greater abilities than females and learn game tricks more easily. They won’t talk much, but they can easily remember and reproduce a few phrases.

Reproduction in captivity

Eclectus have a strong maternal instinct, which is also strongly expressed in captivity. For nesting, if there is no nest in the cage, they can choose secluded places under the sofa or in the closet. Even other species of birds hatch eggs well, which they then feed with pleasure. Therefore, if you decide to breed Eclectus, you should take care of the nesting house and entrance in advance. It is worth noting that you can get offspring from birds 2-3 times a year.

Possible diseases

Eclectus parrots generally adapt well to life in captivity. But with improper care or feeding, they can develop various pathological conditions:

  • psittacosis;
  • pathologies of bacterial or viral origin;
  • fungal infections;
  • self-plucking;
  • allergic reactions;
  • deformations of the beak and paws;
  • papillomas, lipomas, growths;
  • kidney and urinary tract diseases;
  • iron intoxication.

The first signs of a pathological condition include:

  • apathy;
  • drooping wings;
  • flabby, saggy body;
  • atypical mood swings;
  • decreased or lack of appetite;
  • discharge from the eyes, beak, cloaca;
  • swelling of the eyes.
Eclectus parrot

How to choose the right one, and how much does an Eclectus parrot cost?

Before purchasing, potential owners are advised to spend a little time with Eclectus, if possible, to determine how suitable this type of bird is for keeping. Particular attention should be paid to the aspects of organizing living space and nutrition. Preparation before purchasing is important because the cost of birds on the market ranges from 60 to 100 thousand rubles per individual. The considerable price on the Russian market is due to the small number of offers and high demand for these amazing feathered pets.

Directly upon purchase, the bird must be examined for the absence of pathological manifestations, study its accompanying documents, and ask the seller about the nutrition and character traits of a particular bird.

Eclectus are amazing creatures with a bright appearance and calm character. They are able to captivate a person’s heart at first sight. But you should not rush into purchasing one until you are confident that you will be able to provide your pet with your care and attention, the necessary housing, and food. If desires coincide with possibilities, then these feathered pets will become true friends and decorate the house with their presence.

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