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How To Distinguish A Canary 

How To Distinguish A Canary 


For home keeping, breeders prefer to choose male Distinguish A Canary. They are more melodious and more active. But in real life it is almost impossible to distinguish a canary from a canary, since their sexual dimorphism is very poorly developed. Only by knowing certain characteristics of birds, you can distinguish them by gender, not make a mistake when choosing and bring the desired feathered pet into your home.

Distinguish A Canary 
Credit: Pinterest

For home keeping, breeders prefer to choose male canaries.Only by knowing certain characteristics of birds, you can distinguish them by gender, not make a mistake when choosing and bring the desired feathered pet into your home.They are more melodious and more active.But in real life it is almost impossible to distinguish a canary from a canary, since their sexual dimorphism is very poorly developed.

Why you need to be able to Distinguish A Canary a male from a female

There are a number of reasons why it is extremely important to know what gender a bird is:

  • The price of the bird (males are more expensive than females, and unscrupulous sellers often take advantage of this by slipping female birds to buyers at the cost of canaries).
  • Desire to breed feathered pets (you will need pairs of birds, not individuals of the same species).
  • Keeping several canaries in the house (males are fighters, and females are calmer and quieter).
  • Lifespan of birds (females live less because they spend their energy on laying and incubating offspring).
  • Diet (the nutrition of birds of different sexes differs depending on age and physiological period of life).
Distinguish A Canary 
Credit: Voice ofAmerica

Basic methods of determining 

TailIn females it is 5 mm shorter, directed upward, in males it is longer, turned downwards.
PlumageMales are brighter (typical only for wild species).
Cloaca (recommended to be considered during the breeding season).In canaries it is cylindrical, protruding outwards, in canaries it is hardly noticeable, covered with feathers.
Rib cageCanaries have a small chest and a massive belly, while canaries have a convex chest and a small abdomen.
HeadKenars have a massive round head, and their “girlfriends” have a flat, poorly developed forehead.
brood spotAppears on the belly of the female when laying eggs. Blood vessels are strongly visible along the belly, which provide warmth for incubation and heating of the chicks.
Distinguish A Canary 
Credit: Pixabay

Sounds and singing

The voice of canaries is their calling card. Because of this ability, many breeders prefer this type of bird. Considering that boys sing louder, they are the first choice when purchasing. Males begin to sing at 5 months, but begin to show musical talent after 8 months. But it is worth considering that up to 6 months of age, chicks produce almost identical trills and it is almost impossible to distinguish them by their voices.

The male’s voice is loud, booming, multi-toned, varied (during the mating season it almost never stops). The goiter swells when singing.The female canary has a jerky voice, reminiscent of light whistling, chirping or cooing, without changing the “repertoire”.


Characterized by increased activity and playfulness.Passive, moves little.
On palpation, the abdomen breaks out and actively resists.Paws pressed together while stroking the tummy.
When nesting, they take a passive position (they just help).They take on a management role when building the nest.

Canary methods

Some breeders are guided by their own methods for determining the sex of canaries, relying on their own experience and many years of observation. It will be a little difficult for beginners to use their methods, but it won’t hurt to know. It is worth noting that these features do not always guarantee the correctness of the result, so you should not rely entirely on them.

Testicle shapeIf the egg is round, then it will hatch a girl, but if the egg is pointed on one side, it will hatch a boy.
Chick behaviorMale chicks, if you tap their beaks, pull their heads up and rise up (older ones try to run away), while females hide and press down.
Location of eyes and beakIf you visually draw a line from the side through the halves of the beak, then the male’s eyes will be above it, and the female’s are much higher.
GoiterInflates when singing only in males.
Distinguish A Canary 
Credit: The Spruce Pets

Beginner canary breeders will most likely find it difficult to understand the gender of canaries the first time.But the more differences are known, the easier it will be to determine gender at an earlier age.Therefore, it is recommended to make a purchase after 8-10 months of age, when the birds’ voices become clearer and the males’ singing becomes brighter and more expressive.

Also Check: Common Canary Diseases

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