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Are There Parrots In China

Are There Parrots In China


The noble Derby parrot got its name in honor of the English Lord Edward Derby, Chinese Ringed Parrot who was fond of science and spent a lot of time studying this species. In the international classification, the bird is known as the Chinese ringed parrot species. Despite its unique appearance with numerous intellectual abilities, the bird is not very popular among breeders, but true connoisseurs of exotics are fond of it.

Chinese ringed parrot




Chinese ringed parrot Psittacula

derbiana Genus

Ringed parrots


Family Psittaculidae Order Psittaciformes

Class Birds Aves

Length0.4—0.5 m
Adult weight0.25 – 0.5 kg
ColorAgainst the background of the main green color, black, blue, and gray colors are laconicly combined. A distinctive feature is the presence of a “mask” on the face of black stripes.
BeakStrong, curved to the bottom.
Body typeStrong, well-knit, proportional.
Tail• It is a distinctive feature because it has a stepped structure.

• Reaches a length of almost 30 cm.

Features of young animals• The head is green, without the characteristic “mask”.

• The plumage is dull and the beak is pink (they become “adults” after 2 years).

• The beak is pink.

dimorphism• Males have brighter colors.

• In males, the beak is red above and black below, and in females it is completely black.

It is protected by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as a vulnerable species, as the population is noticeably declining due to poaching.


  • China;
  • Tibet;
  • India.

Life in freedom

It lives in tropical forests and highlands at an altitude of up to 4 km above sea level. Can tolerate frosts down to -10 0 C. Prefers to form small flocks or related groups of up to 100 individuals. The diet is dominated by fruits, nuts, and green parts of plants.

The mating season lasts from late March to July. Nests are built in hollows of tall trees. The female lays up to 4 eggs, which incubate for 23 days. Both parents are involved in feeding the offspring. By about 2 months of age, grown and strengthened chicks leave the nest and begin to live separately, but at the same time they often remain part of a related flock.


Wild Derby parrots rarely live past 15 years. Their life cycle is often shortened by predators, nutritional deficiencies, natural disasters or poachers. In captivity, it is assumed that their relatives, with proper care, can live for more than 20 years. But official confirmation of such assumptions has not yet been registered.

Keeping at home

The ringed parrot is an interesting bird to keep at home. But along with its advantages, the bird has a number of significant disadvantages, which everyone who wants to own one should be aware of.

Chinese ringed parrot


An important condition for keeping a Derby parrot at home is a lot of space. A bird of considerable size must be able not only to spread its wings, but also to actively move around its home. Therefore, if you do not have a large living space, it is better not to have such a pet.

Recommended cage parameters are 1×1.2×1.5 m (the best option is to arrange a spacious enclosure). Shape – elongated, rectangular. The rods are vertical, metal, with a diameter of 5 mm.

It is necessary to install feeders, drinkers, and toys in the birdcage.

The parrot’s home is installed in a shaded place, away from direct sunlight, heating appliances and household appliances.

It is better to install the lock on the door with two bolts.


Feeding schedule: twice a day (morning and evening). The recommended daily dose of food is up to 75 g.

The diet of the Ringed Parrot includes:

  • seeds (sunflower, canary seed);
  • nuts;
  • grain (millet, oats, corn, barley, wheat);
  • fruits or dried fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • greenery;
  • twig food;
  • during the breeding season: boiled chicken eggs, mealworms, microgreens, and water porridge.

There should be a drinking bowl with clean, filtered water near the parrot around the clock.

Character and temperament

The Chinese ringed parrot is the best imitator of human speech. Its unique ability to imitate is due to the special structure of the tongue (very thick, mobile). With constant training, a bird can even be taught to sing because it has excellent hearing and quickly remembers not only the essence of what it hears but also the timbre and intonation of its voice.

The Derby parrot is an active, socialized bird that will not sit still. The bird requires constant attention from others, and play with it. In addition to constant communication, the bird should be constantly walked – given the opportunity to fly around the house. If you don’t do this, the parrot will begin to chew everything that gets in its way in the cage and will constantly scream loudly from lack of attention. It is worth noting that the piercing call of the bird is very sharp and not everyone can tolerate such a disadvantage. We must also remember that a sedentary lifestyle causes muscle atrophy, which can even cause the parrot to die.

Chinese ringed parrot


Another disadvantage of Derby parrots is the difficulty of breeding in captivity. The main reason is the difficulty in selecting a pair. And if you consider that the cost of one individual is usually about $500, then not everyone can afford to have a feathered “harem”.

If a pair has been successfully formed, for successful reproduction it will need to equip a large aviary, a nest and provide the birds with high-protein food.

The female and male take care of the chicks independently. But when the stronger chicks begin to switch to adult food, they need to be removed from the parental cage.

The Chinese ringed or Derby parrot is a highly intelligent and easy to train bird. True connoisseurs of fauna are confident that this particular type of parrot is the most sociable and most suitable for “friendship” with humans and living under the same roof. The bird adapts well to life in captivity, but not everyone can accept some of its shortcomings. The complexity of keeping and breeding leaves a negative imprint on parrots, which is why they are rarely seen among amateur breeders. But with a strong desire, even inexperienced poultry keepers, having studied the features of Derby, will be able to have them in their home.

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Also cheak: How To Set Up A Cage For A Parrot

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