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Category: Significance of Parrot

Canary Birds

Is A Canary Birds A Parrot?

Info Canary birds finches are birds that are familiar to most people. In addition to the fact that canaries chirp very melodiously and attract attention with their voices, they also amaze with the splendor of colors and shapes. It is worth noting that the birds are completely unpretentious in care, neat and do not cause...
Significance of Parrot
Names for canaries

Names for canaries

Info After purchasing a pet, the first thing owners think about is what to names for canaries it. Canaries are no exception. These cute birds with an amazing voice, according to most ornithologists, remember their name well and respond when called. But in practice, naming a canary is not as easy as it seems. There...
Significance of Parrot
Lori Parrot

King Lori Parrot

Info The Lori parrot, or clown parrot, is an amazing bird with an exotic color that has won the hearts of millions of fans. Ease of taming and friendliness combined with bright plumage are the main characteristics that distinguish the happy owners of such birds. It is worth noting that the Loris Family includes 13...
Significance of Parrot
Amazon Parrot

Features Of The Amazon Parrot

Info Among bird breeders, there are many lovers of truly exotic birds. Particular attention is paid to the Amazon parrot family, which has about 30 species. The great excitement around these parrots is due to their original appearance, intelligence, ability to speak, and loyalty. But keeping these birds requires certain knowledge and endurance because such...
Significance of Parrot
Rosella Parrot

Rosella Parrot Maintenance And Care

Info  The Rosella parrot is a good-natured species of bird with beautiful plumage and a melodious voice. Breeding such birds at home is easy and simple. The reward for caring breeders will be the acquisition of a devoted feathered “friend,” communication with whom will be a great pleasure. It is worth noting that even a...
Significance of Parrot
Song Parrots

Contents Of Song Parrots

Info  Song parrots are popular birds among breeders. They are easy to care for, do not require special conditions, and sing beautifully. By the way, it is precisely because of their voice, reminiscent of the melodic trills of forest birds, that parrots got their name. Appearance and description of song parrots Name and classification Species...
Significance of Parrot
Passerine Parrots

Features OF Passerine Parrots

Info These miniature Passerine parrots are called little green sparrows due to their similar size and body type. But at the same time, the birds are distinguished by their pronounced green color. Despite their miniature size, the birds are not easy to care for since they require aviaries to live. If the parrots are provided...
Significance of Parrot