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Category: Parrot Health

Eclectus Parrot

Noble Eclectus Parrot

Info The Eclectus parrot is an unusual bird with distinct colors and differences. Thanks to their unique appearance, the birds are loved by breeders, who breed them quite successfully. But keeping birds has a number of features that you should familiarize yourself with in advance. Appearance and size of the bird Name Eclectus parrot Eclectus...
Parrot Health
Kakarik Parrot

Are Kakariki Native To New Zealand

Info These birds are called jumping parrots, or simply Kakarik Parrot. They are considered to be the most active and playful birds. They are in great demand among breeders because, in addition to the fun that such a pet brings to the house, it also quickly adapts to the conditions of captivity, does not require...
Parrot Health
Ringed parrots

Can Ringed parrots Talk

Info Ringed parrots, or, as they are also called, Ozhere lovye Ringed parrots, have been known to mankind since ancient times. In those ancient times, keeping such birds at home was considered an indicator of luxury that only nobles could afford. Although a thousand years have passed, the fashion for beautiful birds has not gone...
Parrot Health
Pink Cockatoo Parrot

How Much Is A Pink Cockatoo?

Info The Australian pink cockatoo parrot, or as it is also called the Gala parrot (translated as “looks like a clown”), is a very beautiful bird with a recognizable appearance. Thanks to its aesthetic qualities and relatively small size, many people are happy to have this bird in their homes. Appearance Name and classification Species...
Parrot Health
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Red Tailed Gray Parrot

Do African Grey Parrots Have Red Tails?

Info The African red tailed gray parrot is one of the most beautiful and intelligent birds on earth. It is not surprising that many breeders want to have these particular parrots. High demand and a sharp decline in the species in the wild have led to a sharp increase in the price of birds on...
Parrot Health
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Red Macaw

Red Macaw Health And Guide

Info These birds have been targeted by Indians for many years. The red macaw meat was eaten, and the heads of the Indian tribes were decorated with their magnificent feathers. Their nests were used in rituals because they were believed to bring wealth. After the conquest of America by Europeans, these birds began to be...
Parrot Health
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