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Can you keep a single lovebird?

Can you keep a single lovebird?


(Can you keep a single lovebird?) When choosing pets, parrots are often preferred. These birds attract attention with their bright appearance, friendly character, and easy maintenance. But when purchasing birds, few people know how long they live. Scientists have proven that the average lifespan depends on size the larger the bird, the longer it lives. Lovebird parrots are considered a particularly interesting species . Their age ranges from 10 to 20 years, depending on the conditions of detention. In order for cute parrots to please the eye for a long time, every breeder must know how to properly care for them.

Credit: Pixabay

How long does a lovebird live in its natural environment

The territory of the African mainland and the island of Madagascar is the main distribution area of ​​lovebirds in natural conditions. Flocks of these colorful birds settle near freshwater bodies on low trees. It has been established that lovebirds live in the wild for about 10 years. But often they die before they even reach the age of six.

The main reasons for the reduction in life expectancy of lovebirds are as follows:

  • Attack by carnivorous predators.
  • Damage to parasitic diseases, the development of which is favored by the hot tropical climate.
  • Natural factors (floods, droughts, internecine fights, injuries).
  • Food shortage during dry seasons.
  • Human introduction (cutting down jungles, changing the bio cenosis of the tropics for agricultural use, nuclear testing).
  • Deterioration of the environmental situation on Earth (greenhouse effect, climate change, air and water pollution).

How many years do lovebirds live at home?

Domesticated lovebirds can live much longer than their wild relatives – 10 – 15 years. The exact numbers depend on many aspects, the characteristics of the external environment and the state of health of the chick. There are interesting cases where pairs of lovebirds lived in captivity for about 20 years or more.

Basically, the life expectancy of birds depends on quality care and living conditions. The life cycle can be shortened by an unfavorable psychological atmosphere in the family and being raised without a pair. Although, according to ornithologists, if a chick initially grows up in such conditions and simply does not know another life, this will do little harm to it.

How long can a lovebird live alone?

In the wild, flock living guarantees lovebirds safety (“friends” will always protect), availability of food, and raising offspring. But the beautiful legend about love to death among married couples of lovebirds often has no real justification. Parrots actually do better when paired. But, if one of the partners dies, the other individual (if she is healthy) will not grieve for long. After some time, the feathered pet will find a replacement among the wild flock or will accept one from its owner (if kept at home).

At home, a lovebird can live without a partner, but then you need to communicate with him more so that he does not get bored. In a favorable environment and good maintenance conditions, the lifespan of a “bachelor” parrot is from 10 to 12 years.

What can affect the lifespan of a lovebird?

To ensure that lovebirds do not experience discomfort in captivity and live a long time, they need to be provided with optimal living conditions:

  • Rational, high-quality nutrition (specialized grain mixtures, protein feed, a variety of vegetables and fruits, vitamins, minerals).
  • Control over the availability of clean drinking water.
  • Microclimate (optimum temperature – +20-+25 0 C, humidity – 40-75%, daylight hours – 12-15 hours).
  • Weekly bathing of chicks in winter, and daily in summer (water treatments for birds are very important for health, but if a chick refuses to take a bath, you should not force it).
  • Spacious housing with the necessary equipment and toys (dimensions for one chick – at least 0.60 x 0.30 x 0.40 m, for a pair – from 0.80 x 0.50 x 0.60 m).
  • Daily cleaning and weekly disinfection of cages and equipment.
Credit: Pexels

Can you keep a single lovebird? living at home

Experienced breeders recommend following these tips to increase the life cycle of lovebirds living in captivity:

  • Set up a cage that is as spacious as possible (the bars of the housing should be made of unpainted metal, the size of the cell is such that the chick cannot get stuck).
  • Lock the cage with birds in the absence of the owners of the house.
  • Keep the parrot’s house clean.
  • Follow the principles of a varied diet, adhere to the feeding dosage – no more than 3 tablespoons of food per chick per day.
  • Organize artificial ultraviolet lighting in the room with parrots during short daylight hours (autumn, winter).
  • Avoid drafts and direct sunlight in areas where birds are kept.
  • Place the cage in a place where there is a large view for the birds.
  • Smoking is prohibited in the room where the lovebird lives!
  • Pay attention to your pets, play with them a lot, talk to them. It is worth noting that when raising a bird without a pair, it is better to purchase a female – she is less sociable and does not require a lot of attention from humans, and accordingly, she will suffer less from loneliness.

Causes of early death of a parrot

When kept at home, lovebirds die due to improper maintenance.

Parrots eating plants with toxic substances.Avoid contact of birds with plants that can cause poisoning:

• Caladium;

• Azalea;

• Dieffenbachia;

• Hyacinth;

• Ficus;

• Fern;

• Euphorbia;

• Plants of the ranunculaceae family;

• Calla;

• Clematis;

• Henbane;

• Hemlock;

• Horse chestnut;

• Iris;

• Datura;

• Delphinium;

• Astragalus;

• Aconite;

• Nutmeg;

• Rhubarb;

• Sweet pea;

• Snowdrop;

• Tobacco;

• Hemlock;

• Western yew;

• Buckthorn.

Bacterial infection, fungi and mold that enter birds with food or water.Monitor the quality of feed (wet food should be in the feeder for no more than 6 hours), pour clean water for drinking daily, wash and disinfect equipment.
Hunger or overeating.Monitor food dosage.
Eating prohibited foodsIt is prohibited to add to the diet:

• Almonds;

• Pistachios;

• Avocado;

• Mango;

• Persimmon;

• Potato;

• Salty foods;

• Marmalade, chocolate, caramel, caramelized fruits.

Hypothermia or overheating.Maintain a normal microclimate.
Eating by other pets.Limit access of cats and dogs to birds.
Mechanical injuries caused by free, uncontrolled walking around the apartment.Keep birds out of the kitchen and bathroom or toilet, hide all exposed wires, and carefully close windows before walking.
Yearning.Communication with pets, playing with them.
Stress, fear.Do not shout at the birds or start quarrels in their presence, remove pets from premises where “loud” repairs are being carried out, do not frighten them.
Endocrine, cardiovascular diseases, helminthiasis, cancer, viral and bacterial infections, pathologies of various organs and systems.Timely treatment, preventive examinations by a veterinarian.

Lovebird parrots are an example of special friendship and love, but not only between each other, but also with humans. When purchasing lovebirds, people must understand that it depends on them how these beautiful birds will feel and how long they will live, delighting others with their bright appearance. Only by carefully familiarizing yourself with the lifestyle and needs of this interesting species, and taking care of their comfort at home, can you enjoy being with such an interesting feathered friend and enjoy communicating with him for a long time.

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