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Caique Parrot Black Headed And White Bellied

Caique Parrot Black Headed And White Bellied


Everyone knows that parrots are birds with very original colors, which vary significantly from species to species. The Caique Parrot is no exception, whose plumage is decorated with black, green, yellow, orange, white, and other colors. In addition to their bright colors, these birds are distinguished by their good-natured disposition, which is why they are often kept as pets.

Caique Parrot
Credit: Pexels

The appearance of a parrot

Name and classificationCaique parrot





Body length0.2-0.25 m
Adult weight0.15 – 0.17 kg
Caikis are divided into two species and five subspecies:
KindsBlack-headed Caique Parrot

(Pionites melanocephala)

Red-headed, white-bellied caique parrot

(Pionites leucogaster)

SubspeciesBlack-capped (nominative)


Red-capped (nominative)



ColorOn the back of the head, blackOn the back of the head, orange
The eye area, back, and wings are green, with blue feathers rarely visible.

Undertail: orange; face, neck, and throat: orange-yellow; the belly is white, sometimes with a creamy tint.

BeakGray-blackBeige, with a pinkish tint
PawsDark grayDark gray
TailStraight, reaches 6 cmStraight, reaches 6 cm
differencesExternally, the female and male do not differ. The only way to find out gender is through a DNA test.Externally, the female and male do not differ. The only way to find out gender is through a DNA test.
Features of young animalsBrown eyes at birth that turn red and then orange over time.

The tummy at birth is grayish (turns white closer to the age of one year).

They are born with a light gray beak (darkens at 10–12 months).

They are born with a black beak, which becomes lighter as they get older.

Chicks up to a year old have brown feathers on their heads.

The plumage of chicks is paler than that of adults.

Habitat and lifestyle

They inhabit the outskirts of tropical and subtropical rain forests, far from human settlements. The lifestyle is gregarious (up to 20). But it is worth noting that Kaiki gather in flocks only at places of abundant feeding. At other times, they spend the days with their couple or family group. They are most active in the early morning or late evening. During the day, they hide from the scorching sun among the treetops. They sleep in hollows.

They have a creaky, unpleasant voice that can be heard when feeding and flying. They fly only short distances (no more than 100 m) from their main habitat. The diet is predominantly plant-based: plants with fruits or seeds, nuts, and berries. When there is a shortage of feed, they can make short forays into farmers’ fields.

Reproduction in the wild

Kaiki becomes mature by the age of 3 years. Birds form pairs for life. But if they lose a partner, they can easily create a new family. The mating season falls in different months of the year (depending on distribution):

  • Guiana, Guyana, from December to February.
  • Venezuela, Peru—in April.
  • Colombia, Brazil—from April to May.
  • Suriname, Ecuador, from October to November.

After a short period of courtship, the female lays eggs in the hollow (one clutch contains up to 4 eggs), which she incubates for 26 days. Both parents are involved in feeding the offspring. At about 1.5 months, the chicks fledge, and closer to 2 months of age, they begin to fly out of the nest. Usually, grown-up birds do not leave their parents but continue to live nearby, forming family communities.

Caique Parrot
Credit: Flickr

How long do they live?

According to official data from the scientific journal International Zoo Yearbook, in captivity, the black-headed Caique parrot was able to live up to 22 and a half years. But many breeders claim that with proper care, their pets lived up to 30 years, although there is no evidence of this.

In their natural environment, parrots of this species rarely even live to be 20 years old. Nutritional deficiency, deforestation of the jungle, poachers, and predators are the main reasons for the shortening of the lives of wild individuals.

Keeping at home

White-bellied parrots quickly get used to humans, are easy to train, and are unpretentious in keeping. Therefore, these birds are often kept as pets.

Which cell to choose

The cage is selected, taking into account the following requirements:

  • Dimensions: 80*40*60 cm (the bird must be able to freely spread its wings and jump on branches).
  • Ease of operation (cleaning, disinfection).
  • Availability of equipment (feeders, drinkers, toys, perches) and mineral supplements (lime, chalk, sea sand) freely available to the birds.

The cage is cleaned twice a week, while the bird is allowed to fly around the apartment. Using a spray bottle or spray bottle, you can carry out water treatments for the bird. When using a bathtub for bathing, the water in it should be changed several times a day.

It is recommended to create an appropriate microclimate in the room.

  • Air temperature: +18–+20 °C.
  • Humidity: 60–70%.
  • No drafts.

What to feed


Kaikov’s diet should be balanced and varied. The ratio of wet and dry food is 50%:50%.Fruits, berries:



Rose hip;








Grain, seeds:

Canary seed;






Ready-made grain mixtures (JR Farm, Prestige, Padovan, Fiory).




Lettuce leaves.






Branch food:







Apple tree;






Pearl barley;


Protein supplements:

Cottage cheese (you can add a little honey);

Cooked meat;

Bread soaked in milk.

Be sure to always have drinking bowls with clean, filtered water near the birds, which should be changed daily.

You can avoid self-plucking and damage to property by Caique parrots if you introduce branch foods (aspen, currants, poplar, and linden) to your diet on an ongoing basis.

Caique Parrot
Credit: Flickr

Abilities and character

Black-headed and red-headed white-bellied parrots are well trained and easy to train. Despite the fact that they cannot imitate human speech, they are happy to imitate sounds (for example, a ringing alarm clock, a car alarm, or the sound of a mixer) and whistle the melodies they hear to the beat.

Birds are energetic and active. Therefore, they should have a lot of toys in their arsenal so that they do not get bored and can waste their physical strength. In addition to games, birds need to be given daily walks and the opportunity to climb. Such activities strengthen the muscles and joints of pets and prevent them from atrophying.

By nature, caique parrot are friendly and peaceful. They enjoy interacting with people, especially children. But they will not share territory with other species of birds. Parrots are also jealous of other pets; they will always defend their rights to the attention of their owners.

How to tame

White-bellied parrots are easy to tame if they are adopted at a young age and kept alone.

The main stages of taming caiques are:

  1. Adaptation to a new place of residence.
  2. Getting used to the presence of a person.
  3. Constant communication with birds.
  4. Give treats as a thank you for obedience and performing tricks.

When the bird boldly approaches its owner and begins to repeat the tasks required of him, we can assume that the taming process has been successful. But it is worth remembering that training will take 6 to 12 months.


Breeding calves at home is quite possible. But to do this, you need to create the most comfortable conditions for the parrots:

  • Place a pair of parrots in the spring (during the mating season) in a separate enclosure.
  • Set up a nesting house for the birds (30x60x60 cm), and put a simulated nest-tray (diameter 5–6 cm) in it.
  • Minimize contact with birds during the nesting period (birds become aggressive).

If mating is successful, the female lays eggs and incubates them. Caikis feed their chicks on their own. At 2 months, when the grown parrots begin to fly out of the nest, they are removed from their parents.

Caique Parrot

Purchase rules

You should only buy Caikis in specialized stores or nurseries, where they document the origin and health of their pets.

Immediately before purchasing, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • Appearance:
    — Plumage (should be straight, not ruffled, shiny).
    bird activity (active, cheerful, curious).
    — Feathered eyes (bright, with shine).
    There are no droppings on the plumage and no discharge from the eyes and nostrils.
  • Age (it is better to buy a chick under 6 months old).

The price of white-bellied parrots ranges from 250 to 300 dollars per individual. The considerable cost is due to high demand, limited supply on the market, and low productivity in captivity.

White-bellied caique parrot are beautiful birds that get along well with humans. With proper care, birds will delight their owners for a long time. Although they cannot talk, their temperament, playfulness, and sociability will not leave anyone indifferent.

Also check: Appearance and features of the Senegal Parrot

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