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Are Black Cockatoos Good Luck

Are Black Cockatoos Good Luck


Black Cockatoo Parrot (aravid, mourning cockatoos) is an Australian species in the family of parrots that differs from its feathered relatives in its extraordinary appearance, impressive parameters, and peculiar disposition. The species name translates to \”black parrot with a long and thin beak.\”

Like most species of cacaitos, it thrives in captivity with proper care and is easy to train (including conversation). But this bird is rarely seen as a pet. This is because the Black Cockatoo is a rare and expensive species. In addition, he is considered a very temperamental bird with a “heavy” character, which requires a lot of attention and care.

Black Cockatoo Parrot
Credit: Pexels

Appearance of Palm Cockatoo

Name and classificationSpecies

Black cockatoo parrot

(Probosciger aterrimus)

Subspecies (differing in weight and type of crest):

1. Probosciger aterrimus aterrimus

2. Probosciger aterrimus goliath

3. Probosciger aterrimus macgillivrayi

4. Probosciger aterrimus stenolophus

Genus Palms


Family Cockatoos


Order Parrots


Body length0.7-0.8 m
Adult weightReaches 1.25 kg
TailAbout 0.25m
ColorCoal black with an ash green tint. A mutated population of albino individuals with white rims on their wing feathers has also been registered.
BeakReaches 10 cm, strong, black-gray color.
TuftLarge, black, consists of feathers curled and falling back.
CheeksUnfeathered, red.
EyesDark brown
PawsDark gray
differencesThe female has a smaller body weight and a smaller beak.

Features and habitat of the Black Cockatoo Parrot

Habitat: the northern part of mainland Australia (Queensland, Cape York) and nearby islands (New Guinea, Mizop, Salavati, Waigiu, and Ara). Birds prefer tropical savannas and thickets of eucalyptus, oilseed, fig, palm, and acacia forests.

Black Cockatoo Parrot
Credit: Wallpaper Flare

Lifestyle and nutrition in the wild

Mourning cacatoises live alone or in very small groups of 5–10 individuals. At night, the birds rest on the treetops and are busy all day getting food. It is worth noting that black cockatoos fly little and mostly climb branches. One of the features is a creaky, sharp voice, the unpleasant echo of which can be heard from afar.

The diet of wild mourning parrots consists of:

  • seeds (from eucalyptus, fig tree, and and acacia);
  • small insects and their larvae;
  • various fruits;
  • hard canary tree nuts.

Reproduction in the wild

The Palm Cockatoo is the only species that becomes mature the latest. Males begin relationships with females in adulthood – after at least 6 years, but at the same time a “family” is formed for life. The couple hatches their offspring together, cares for them and feeds them together. Under favorable conditions, one pair has approximately 30-40 mating periods and clutches. Birds form nests in the hollows of old trees. The breeding season begins in early August and lasts until early February.

There is never more than 1 egg in one clutch of a palm bird. Incubation is carried out by the pair alternately for 1 month. The chick hatches weighing up to 20 g, naked and blind. The parents feed the baby together.

The parrot begins to see at 2 weeks, and its plumage grows by about 1.5 months of age. The first flights begin at 10-12 weeks. After the cub learns all the intricacies of the “art of flying” (at about 4-5 months), it leaves the parental home.

Lifespan of Palm Cockatoos

Ornithologists unanimously claim that palm cockatoos can live up to 90 years in captivity. It is not yet possible to confirm this information, since at the moment the record of only one bird of this species has been officially registered, which has has lived with its owner for 56 years. There is also an official registration of the “latest” egg-laying at 40 years old, although scientists suggest that birds can nest at a more mature age.

The lifespan of wild birds is shortened by poaching, attacks by predators, lack of food during dry seasons, fires, deforestation, and disease. They rarely even live to see their 50th birthday.

Maintenance and care at home

Experienced breeders unanimously declare that the Black Cockatoo is a luxurious bird, but keeping it at home is not easy. Among the reasons are the need to build a large heated enclosure, constant control of nutrition, the complex nature,, and the the unpleasant voice of the bird.

Character and behavior of the Black Cockatoo Parrot

The black cockatoo parrot is a fairly intelligent parrot that can be trained. But you should start studying at a very early age. The bird has a complex, capricious character, which only worsens with age in the absence of training. The parrot does not get along well with other pets, bites, and sometimes shows aggression even towards its owner.

To prevent a bird from becoming aggressive, you need to communicate with it a lot, train it correctly, not show negative emotions, and create psychological and physical comfort. It is important for the parrot to feel that he is not alone and that he is loved.

Care and nutrition

The main points of maintenance are proper care and balanced feeding.

Care should include:

  • organization of comfortable climatic indicators at the place of stay:
    • absence of drafts and direct sunlight;
    • permissible indoor humidity: 60–70%;
    • air temperature: 18–25 °C (minimum permissible night temperature: 10 °C).
  • arrangement of a large enclosure or cage;
  • daily bathing (you can install baths for daily water procedures or spray the bird with a spray bottle);
  • constant cleaning, washing, cleaning and disinfection of the place of detention, equipment, and toys;
  • daily communication with your pet (minimum 2 hours), which should include constant physical (walking around the house, climbing) and mental stress (games, conversation training).

Palm parrots are gourmets who will not eat everything that is offered to them. Sometimes they may even refuse food (grains or vegetables), expecting previously tasted treats (nuts or fruits). But there is no need to be led by the birds, because an unbalanced diet can cause gastrointestinal upset or even the death of the pet.

Recommended Feeding Schedule

  • Young chicks (up to 6 months): 4 times a day.
  • Adults (over 6 months): 2 times a day.

It is important that there is always clean, settled water in the drinking bowl (it is changed daily and as it gets dirty).

Experts recommend including the following foods:

Dry or sprouted grains

(safflower, corn, millet, oats, millet, wheat),

sunflower seeds, beans.Raw nuts

(pine, hazelnuts, walnuts, macadamia, pandas, pecans, pine, almonds, peanuts, coconut, and cashews).Vegetables

(corn, green peas, red peppers, broccoli, beets, cucumbers, zucchini).Fruits, berries

(apples, rowan, oranges, bananas, pomegranate, raspberries, peaches, strawberries, grapes).Greens

(tree branches, bushes, grass, lettuce, dandelions, chard, celery).Animal food, vitamins, and minerals

(boiled chicken eggs, eggshells, chalk, lime, cuttlefish shell, low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt, dog biscuits).It is not recommended to feed birds with commercial feed mixtures, as they have a bad effect on digestion.

It is strictly prohibited to include in the diet:

  • human food from the table;
  • fried food;
  • cabbage;
  • avocado;
  • parsley;
  • chocolate, candies;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • fatty fermented milk products.
Black Cockatoo Parrot
Credit: Pexels


Keeping the Palm Bird involves setting up a large enclosure, in which a small nest house will be made for relaxation.

  • The recommended dimensions of the enclosure are 4.5x2x2 m, and and and and and and the nest boxes are 0.6×0.6×1.2 m (internal diameter:::::: 0.45–0.7 m).
  • The bottom of the enclosure is concrete, covered with moisture-absorbing material (for example, sawdust), and and and and and and and cleaned every day.
  • Mesh: horizontal metal rods thicker than 5 mm with a gap of 5 cm between them.
  • Inside the dwelling, at least three wooden poles (diameter 5–10 cm), a ladder, a rope, and and and and and and bamboo rings are attached (the number of toys is chosen at the discretion of the owner, washed daily under running water, replaced if damaged), and, if possible, a bathtub is installed.
  • Equipment: ​​steel or ceramic drinkers and feeders (washed daily, disinfected once a week).
  • At least two secure locks are installed.

The enclosure is washed and disinfected once every 4 weeks. General disinfection is carried out annually.

Reproduction in captivity

In captivity, black cacaitos can reproduce without regard to the season. Couples over 6 years of age (caught in the wild) or individuals over 8 years of age (raised in a nursery) are allowed to mate. The couple is isolated in a separate enclosure, where a nest box is equipped.

Hatching the egg and feeding the baby fall entirely on the feathered parents. The strong chick is removed from the parental enclosure at approximately 3 months of age.

Black Cockatoo Parrot
Credit: Wallpaper Cave

Tips before buying a Black Cockatoo Parrot

The Palm Cockatoo is a rare and incredibly expensive parrot. Its price starts at 3 thousand dollars. Depending on the age (young individuals are more expensive) and the place of purchase, the average cost may be higher. Therefore, it is recommended to use these tips:

  1. Before purchasing, carefully weigh the pros and cons.
Purchasing an extraordinary pet with a stunning appearance.

They talk (with appropriate training).
They breed in captivity.

High cost of poultry.
Expensive maintenance and care.
Not suitable for breeders without experience.
The feathered bird is capricious and can show aggression and bite.
  1. It is better to purchase from official nurseries, which guarantee that the bird is healthy, vaccinated,,,,,,,, and not old.
  2. Remember that a parrot is a living creature that needs to be constantly cared for and loved.

If the owner is ready to face all the possible problems that arise when keeping a Black Cockatoo Parrot, has sufficient financial resources, and has experience in breeding large birds, then, of course, such an exotic pet is worth having. With good care, the chick will become a true friend and favorite for all family members. If you have little knowledge about birds and no experience keeping them, then you should refrain from purchasing them them them them them them.

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