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Keeping Aratinga Parrots

Keeping Aratinga Parrots


The Aratinga is an active, positive, and very friendly species of Aratinga parrots . Those who have already been lucky enough to keep these birds speak of them as the funniest birds on earth. A wonderful, playful character and unsurpassed appearance are the main features that breeders highlight in their breeding.

Aratinga Parrots


NameSpecies of

Aratinga Parrot

Length0.25—0.35 m
Adult weight0.1-0.12 g
ColorThe plumage combines yellow, blue,, and green shades.
BeakThick, strong.
EyesDark, framed by light rings.
TailWedge-shaped, stepped.
dimorphismThere are no pronounced sex differences in appearance. Gender can only be determined by DNA analysis.


The main habitat of Aratinga parrots is South and Central America. The largest flocks of birds can be found in Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, and Argentina. They choose dry deciduous forests for living, although if there is food nearby, they also settle in semi-desert prairies at an altitude of 2.5 km above sea level.

Aratinga Parrots
Credit: Pedersen Recover

The most common species of Aratinga parrot



BrownheadGuadalupe (extinct)GoldYellow-earedBlackhead
The following Aratinga are popular among ornithologists:

Aratinga canicularis

Solar aratinga

Aratinga solstitialis


Aratinga erythrogenys


Aratinga euops


Aratinga lathami


Aratinga leucophthalmus


Aratinga auricapillus


Aratinga jandaya

Wild Lifestyle

In nature, they prefer to live in packs. After the morning roll call, they fly off in search of food. They often raid farmers’ fields.


They become sexually mature after 2 years, after which they form pairs for 2-4 years. The pair of feathered “newlyweds” occupies a separate area, where they nest in an old hollow. The nesting season occurs 1-2 times a year (depending on the subspecies of birds). It is worth noting that the very first clutch is usually fruitless. The female lays up to 5 eggs, which incubate for 28 days. During incubation, the male plays the role of guard of the family nest and provider of food for the “beloved..”. Both parents are involved in feeding the offspring. The grown and strengthened young animals leave the nest at 2 months of age.

Aratinga Parrots
Credit: Port Orchard


The main diet in the wild is plant foods: fruits, seeds, grains, herbs, and branches. When there is a nutritional deficiency, they happily feast on grains on agricultural land, which causes considerable damage.

Lifespan of Aratinga Parrots

With proper care and feeding, Aratanga parrots in captivity can live up to 30 years. Wild birds rarely reach 15 years of age. The main causes of death of wild representatives of the species are: natural disasters, nutritional deficiency, predators, and infectious diseases.

Maintenance and care at home

Aratinga takes root well in captivity, but the birds require comfortable living conditions.

  • good lighting;
  • absence of drafts and sudden temperature changes;
  • air temperature: +22 to +25 °C;
  • humidity:: 60–70%;
  • spacious home;
  • good food.


For parrots, choose a metal cage with dimensions of 0.6×0.6×1 m (based on 1 individual). Be sure to equip the bird house with feeders, a drinking bowl, a bathtub, toys (bells, rings, chains, ladders), and mineral stones.

To maintain good physical shape, birds should be allowed to fly around the apartment every day.

The cage will have to be cleaned daily since Aratinga really likes to scatter food and start a “revolution” near them.


Proper nutrition is the key to the health of Aratinga parrots. The daily portion of a parrot is 3-5 tbsp. l. mixtures of different products:

  • seeds;
  • greenery;
  • young shoots of plants;
  • nuts;
  • wet grain mash;
  • dried fruits;
  • microgreens.

Temperament and Taming

Aratingas are friendly and social birds. Parrots can be trained (learn a variety of tricks) and learn to speak (memorize up to 10 phrases). My favorite activity is spending time in the company of a person.

Aratinga’s playfulness is their special feature. So that the birds do not get bored and can satisfy their needs for play, they are provided with a sufficient number of toys and tree branches. If the parrots do not have something to do, they will begin to tear apart the cage with their beaks and also cause damage to household utensils.

One of the unpleasant moments noted by breeders is loudness. Birds have a sharp, creaky voice that not everyone will like. It is interesting that by screaming, parrots show not only dissatisfaction but also pleasure. Birds become especially noisy in the morning and before bed, which should definitely be taken into account when choosing a pet.


Aratinga parrots breed in captivity. The only obstacle is to form a pair. If it is possible to “bring together” the birds, then in a fairly short period of time,, the parrots will give birth to offspring.

The necessary conditions for bird breeding include the following:

  • daylight hours—at least 12 hours;
  • the presence of a nesting house (30x30x60 cm) with an entrance (approximately 10 cm in diameter);
  • protein nutrition.

The parents are responsible for feeding the chicks. After about 50 days, young parrots can be removed from the parent’s nest. Raised at home, Aratingas become the most faithful friends for humans and are forever attached to their owner.

Aratinga Parrots
Credit: Pixabay

How to choose a chick

You should buy Aratinga parrots from trusted sellers or licensed nurseries, which guarantee that you are purchasing a healthy animal. It’s not worth the risk since the price for this type of bird ranges from 500 to 1000 dollars per individual (depending on the species, age, and and abilities).

When purchasing, you should consider the following nuances:

  • age (chicks up to a year are more expensive);
  • plumage (must be bright, well styled, and consistent with the declared breed);
  • activity (birds are active and curious);
  • no discharge from the eyes, beak,, or cloaca.

The Aratinga parrot is an excellent choice for lovers of exotic pets, as it is suitable for both beginners and expert birders. Enchanting appearance, low maintenance requirements,, and playfulness are distinctive character traits that attract many who want to have pets. Experts note that this affectionate, cheerful,, and energetic feathered creature will give its love and tenderness and will always illuminate the house with joy and fun if properly cared for for many years.

Also Check: New Zealand Kakarik Parrot

Also check: Appearance and features of the Senegal Parrot

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