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Caring For The Alexandrine Parrot

Caring For The Alexandrine Parrot


The Alexandrine parrot is a species of bird that is distinguished by its incredible appearance, high intelligence, and ability to speak. Birds gained popularity among breeders back in the days of Alexander the Great, after whom they were named. In one of his campaigns in Central Asia, the famous commander brought these bright birds to Greece, where they became the decoration of many rich houses. The fame of amazing parrots quickly spread throughout the world, and to this day, exotic lovers are breeding them.

 Alexandrine Parrot
Credit: Pinterest

Distinctive features and description

Name, classificationSpecies: Alexandrine ring-necked parrot

Psittacula eupatria

Genus: Ringed


Family: Parrotaceae


Order: Psittacidae



(various in size and color) 

• Psittacula eupatria magnirostris

• Psittacula eupatria siamensis

• Psittacula eupatria eupatria

• Psittacula eupatria nipalensis

• Psittacula eupatria avensis

Length0.45—0.60 m
Adult weight0.25 – 0.3 kg
ColorThe main background is grassy green.
Wings• There are burgundy spots, a distinctive feature.

• Span: 0.2 m.

HeadLarge and has a bluish-gray tint.
BeakLarge, bright red.
EyesLight yellow
Body typeDense, knocked down.
TailLong, stepped, reaches 0.35 m.
Features of young animals• orange beak, which begins to change its adult color after 1.5 years.• pale color, which becomes bright after 3 years.

• dark eyes.

Sexual dimorphismMales have a pink-red “necklace” on the neck and a wide black stripe below the cheeks. Females do not have such signs. Sex differences begin to appear closer to 3 years of age.

Lifestyle, habitat, and nutrition

Birds choose treetops in tropical forests to live. They can fly long distances. They prefer to unite in large flocks. The main diet is the seeds and fruits of wild plants. Their hobby is swimming in the rain.

The main habitat in nature is the territory of South Asia.

  • India;
  • Pakistan;
  • Afghanistan;
  • Iran;
  • Sri Lanka;
  • Andaman Islands;
  • Myanmar;
  • Vietnam;
  • Laos.

They were introduced by people into the territory of European countries, where they live together with Lesser ringed and Cramer’s parrots. It is most often found in the forests of Germany, England, Belgium, Greece, Turkey, and the Netherlands.

 Alexandrine Parrot
Credit: Facebook

Reproduction in the natural environment

Birds become sexually mature after two years. The nesting period lasts from April to November. The female lays up to 4 eggs, which incubate for 3 weeks. The male guards the nest and feeds the female during the incubation period. The hatched cubs are fed by both parents. By 1.5 months of age, the young begin to make their first flights, and within 1-2 weeks, they completely leave the nest.

Population and species status

The Alexandrine parrot is considered a common species that is not in danger of extinction. But nevertheless, they are under threat of extermination by poachers. The number of birds has declined especially sharply in Pakistan, where the authorities have banned the capture of parrots. In other countries, conservation organizations strictly control bird populations and try to prevent their illegal capture, which leads to the decline of the species.

Differences from the Necklace: Alexandrine Parrot

The group of birds that have a “necklace” on their neck includes many species, including the parrot of Alexander the Great. But the main difference between the Alexandrian species and its necklace relatives is its large size, stepped tail, and red spots on the wings.

How long does the Alexandrine parrot live?

If you recreate ideal living conditions and proper nutrition, the bird can live up to 40 years. Wild birds rarely live to this age since they are often subject to shooting and capture by predators, and their life expectancy is negatively affected by natural disasters.

 Alexandrine Parrot
Credit: A-Z Animals

Keeping at home

Alexandrine parrots adapt well to captivity conditions, and with proper care, they delight breeders not only with their bright appearance but also with the ability to speak. Although their vocabulary rarely contains more than 15 phrases, the birds speak all of them very clearly and loudly.

Required microclimate:

  • Temperature: 22 0–25 0 C (but tolerates even a decrease to 0 0 C well).
  • Humidity: 60–70%.
  • Daylight hours: from 12 hours.

Arrangement of the cage

The recommended cage parameters are from 0.8 x 1.2 x 1.5 m. For a more comfortable stay, if possible, it is better to equip an enclosure.

Bird housing must be equipped with the necessary equipment:

  • feeders;
  • drinking bowls;
  • bath for bathing;
  • poles made of natural wood;
  • toys;
  • mineral stone, or sepia.

The cage must be cleaned daily, and the room where it is located must be ventilated. But it should be controlled so that there are no drafts.

Cages and equipment are disinfected once a month.

Parrot character and learning ability

Parrots, or “Alexandrians,” are distinguished by a calm and friendly character; they enjoy spending time with people and love to play. They are non-conflicting but can show aggression in cases of danger (approach of other pets or strangers).

Imitation of human speech is the main feature for which people fell in love with the Alexandrians. However, there are no special training recommendations. All that is required is daily communication with your feathered pet and repetition of certain phrases.

But not everyone likes their loud and squeaky voice. This feature must be taken into account when choosing a pet.

What to feed Alexandria parrots

Alexandrians have no special dietary preferences, but every breeder should be familiar with the permitted list of feeds. The general condition of the bird and its appearance depend on the correct feeding.

The bird menu should include:

  • Store-bought grain mixtures for large parrots.
  • Grain (wheat, peas, barley, corn, millet, sunflower, oats).
  • Greenery.
  • Nuts.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Steamed dried fruits.
  • Drying white bread (in small quantities).
 Alexandrine Parrot
Credit: Facebook


Alexandrine parrots live and breed in captivity without problems.

But for successful breeding, you should:

  • Get a mature pair of birds of about the same age (it happens that birds reject the option that is offered to them and begin to fight).
  • Set up a large aviary for the birds.
  • Build a nesting house (0.3 x 0.3 x 0.5 m) with an entrance with a diameter of 10 cm (a layer of sawdust 5 cm thick is poured onto the bottom).
  • Create a microclimate as close as possible to the natural one.
  • Provide birds with protein-rich food (sprouted grains, microgreens, and boiled quail eggs).

Purchase rules and cost

The price for one Alexandria parrot ranges from $200 to $600. The cost is influenced by the age of the bird (young ones are more expensive), the place of purchase (in the market, secondhand is cheaper), and the availability of skills (a trained bird is always more valuable).

When purchasing, focus on:

  • Age (considered optimal: from 3 to 5 months).
  • The appearance of the bird must be active, curious, and have bright plumage that fits tightly to the body.
  • Availability of accompanying documents.

Signs of a sick bird:

  • lethargy, apathy;
  • disheveled;
  • presence of abrasions and scratches on the body;
  • discharge from the eyes, beak, and cloaca.

The Alexandrian ringed parrot is a bird with a stunning appearance and impressive dimensions. Such a bird does not require care, but due to its large size, it needs space. The bird begins to speak quickly, but for this, you also have to make an effort—spend time with it every day. It is also worth remembering that, in addition to maintenance costs, you will have to pay a lot of money for the parrot itself. All these nuances should be decisive when choosing a pet. If at least one of the points is in doubt, it is better to refuse the purchase.

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