Names of Birds in Alphabetical Order

Bird Names in Alphabetical Order: A Fun and Easy Guide

Names of Birds in Alphabetical Order Birds are some of the most fascinating creatures on Earth, coming in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Whether you’re a seasoned birdwatcher or just curious, learning bird names can be a fun and enriching experience. This easy-to-read guide lists bird names alphabetically, introducing you to some of the most common and interesting species you might spot in your backyard, local parks, or around the world.

Birds Starting with A

American Robin
Names of Birds in Alphabetical Order A conspicuous bird in various U.S. porches, known for its astonishing orange stomach and blissful tune.

A radiant seabird with a vital wingspan, known for drifting over the ocean for a seriously prolonged stretch of time without rippling its wings.

Birds Starting with B

Bald Eagle
The public bird of the US, addressing strength and opportunity. Its white head and penetrating eyes make it really indisputable.

Blue Jay
An enthusiastic blue bird with a striking person, much of the time tracked down in parks and yards. Known for its plainly calls and striking appearance.

Birds Starting with C

The male Cardinal’s brilliant red tufts make it a hero in nurseries and parks. Its melodic tune is a normal sound in various regions.

Crows are sharp birds, as often as possible found in the two metropolitan networks and provincial locales. They’re known for their decisive reasoning skills and adaptability.

Birds Starting with D

Birds are pictures of agreement. The Lamenting Bird, typical in the U.S., is seen by its sensitive cooing sound.


Ducks are notable water birds, habitually found in lakes and lakes. The Mallard, with its special green head, is a prominent creature gatherings.

Birds Starting with E

Other than the Bald Eagle, the Splendid Hawk is another amazing flying hunter in North America, known for its intense sight and abilities to hunt.

Egrets are rich, white birds with long legs, regularly seen near water, relentlessly clutching get fish.

Birds Starting with F

Falcons are among the speediest birds. The Peregrine Flying predator, for instance, can plunge at speeds in excess of 200 mph while hunting.

Finches are close to nothing, splendid birds normally found at feeders. The American Goldfinch, with its brilliant yellow plumes, loves sunflower seeds.

Birds Starting with G

Geese are gigantic birds known for flying in V-plan. The Canada Goose, with its dull neck and white jaw tie, is a characteristic sight in parks.

The American Goldfinch is a little, vivacious yellow bird oftentimes tracked down in fields and gardens, especially in summer.

Birds Starting with H

Birds of prey serious solid areas for are. The Red-followed Bird of prey is quite possibly of the most notable flying hunter in North America.

These little birds are prestigious for drifting in mid-air as they taste nectar from blooms. No matter what their size, they have outstanding energy!

Birds Starting with I

The White Ibis, with its long legs and twisted mouth, is a swimming bird found in wetlands across the southeastern U.S.

Indigo Bunting
This little bird is known for its unbelievable blue tone, especially in folks, and is oftentimes spotted along timberland edges.

Birds Starting with J

Generally called the Dull took a gander at Junco, this little, dim bird is normally seen on the ground all through the chilly climate months.

Birds Starting with K

The Belted Kingfisher, with its gigantic head and sharp nose, is a significant part of the time seen near water, plunging to get fish.

Kites are smooth flying hunters, known for skimming through the sky while hunting bugs or little animals.

Birds Starting with L

Larks are small songbirds known for their beautiful melodies. The Horned Lark can be found in open fields and grassy areas.

Loons are expert divers, known for their eerie, haunting calls, typically found on lakes and ponds.

Birds Starting with M

The Northern Mockingbird is famous for mimicking the songs of other birds and even sounds like car alarms!

Magpies are striking black-and-white birds with long tails. They’re clever and known for collecting shiny objects.


Birds bring greatness, rapture, and a sensation of marvel to our existence. Whether you’re regarding a stunning red Cardinal in your grass, watching a Bald Eagle take off high above, or distinguishing a little Hummingbird murmuring around blooms, each bird adds something exceptionally extraordinary to nature.

By learning their names and seeing their excellent qualities, you can foster your appreciation for these astounding creatures. This in consecutive request guide is just the beginning — there’s another thing to examine in the enamoring universe of birds!

Also Check: I know Why the Caged Bird Sings Poem

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